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Hard Up Man Makes £36 Million for Simple Zip Tie Invention

Television contestant Andrew Harsley won’t be strapped for cash anymore – after a £36million deal for a little plastic tie. The “amazingly simple” device which hooks on to itself, was snapped up by a leading plastic distributor which has ordered a billion. Now, the 35 year-pld has become by far the most successful wannabe on the BBC program, Dragons’ Den. (The UK Mirror online)

Sheriff Suspends Foreclosure Evictions Against Innocent Renters

sheriff-tom-dart-lg.jpgEven renters who have not missed a payment are caught in the foreclosure squeeze nationwide, but now Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart has taken a stand saying he would help innocent renters who are playing by the rules, but whose landlords are facing foreclosure, by protecting them from surprise eviction. (Great video below; more video and text story here)


Silver Linings in the Economic Crisis (w/ Video)

RR track in the sun - Andee Fromm

rr_track_sunspot.jpgThere may be a dark cloud over the economy, but it does have a silver lining, explains a financial journalist, beginning with gas prices. Floridians and Virginians are now paying under $3 per gallon. Vera Gibbons also points to housing sales, higher rates for savings (your money can earn 3-4%; compare at, and lower prices predicted for holiday gift-buying.

Indonesia Reaches Historic Agreement To Protect World’s Most Endangered Tropical Forests


626px-female_orangutan__baby_perthzoo_smc_sept_2005.jpgIndonesian authorities have pledged to stop the devastating loss of forests and species in Sumatra, one of the world’s most ecologically important hotspots. To protect the homes of iconic species like the tiger, orangutan, rhinoceros and elephant, all ten governors on the island have committed to obey the principles of “ecosystem-based planning”, where any projects detrimental to ecological health would be banned.

Rescuers Save Hundreds of Penguins Stranded Off Course (Video)


penguin-rescue.jpgMore than 1000 juvenile Magellanic penguins washed-up either dead or dying along the Brazilian coast after their search for food left them stranded, hundreds of miles from their usual feeding grounds. One week later, 373  had been rehabilitated, loaded onto a Brazil air force cargo plane and flown 1,550 miles. Watch the inspiring release coordinated by the rescue group, International Fund for Animal Welfare — and more videos about the rescue at their website.

Pending Home Sales Rise Unexpectedly

solar home

solar-home.jpgThe Pending Home Sales Index, a forward-looking indicator based on contracts signed in August, jumped 7.4 percent, and is 8.8 percent higher than August 2007. Lower interest rates and bargain home prices pushed the August total to the highest level in 14 months.

New Ford Car Key Lets Parents Limit Teen’s Speed


ford-key.jpgTalk about a back-seat driver! Ford Motor Co. has created a device which allows parents to control how fast their teenagers drive, limits the volume on the car radio and makes sure their seat belts are fastened. It’s called “MyKey”…

Va. Governor Slashes Own Office Budget, Takes Pay Cut


gov-tim-kaine.jpgResponding to the economic slowdown, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine is giving himself a pay cut. Demonstrating to Wall Street CEOs how to act when times are tough, the Democrat announced yesterday he’s cutting his own salary by five percent and the executive budget by 1.4 million dollars.

Cuts include “the grocery list for the Executive Mansion by one-fourth; less dry cleaning for drapes in the mansion; and fewer official trips by Kaine and first lady Anne Holton.” (More Details at

Bailout Bill Benefits Green Consumers and Renewable Energy Industries


esolar-panels.jpgWhatever you think about the financial rescue package the US Congress and president passed into law last week, it also includes incentives and benefits for consumers and businesses helping to expand energy conservation and renewable energy in America.

The bill provides a $3,000 tax credit toward the purchase of a fuel-efficient, plug-in hybrid vehicle. Additional tax credits boost industries pushing alternative fuels, geothermal and wind, but the big winner by far was solar.

Hundreds of New Marine Species Discovered by Australian Scientists


brittle-star-fish.jpgHundreds of new marine species and previously uncharted undersea mountains and canyons have been discovered in the depths of the Southern Ocean, Australian scientists said today. A total of 274 species of fish, ancient corals, molluscs, crustaceans and sponges new to science were found in icy waters up to 3,000 metres (9,800 feet) deep among extinct volcanoes, they said.

Voting Starts in Historic Maldives Elections


vote-button-lrg.jpgThe people of the Maldives are voting in their first multi-party democratic presidential election, which sees the Indian Ocean archipelago choosing whether to replace Asia’s longest-serving leader, President Gayoom who is seeking a seventh term. The polls are the culmination of reforms introduced by President Gayoom who waited in line for over an hour before casting his vote on Wednesday.

Service Dog Helps Soldier With Post Traumatic Stress (Video)


service-dog-soldier.jpgAs one soldier deals with the trauma of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, he’s finding the treatment he needs from an unlikely source — a service dog that was trained by prison inmates. “Yankee” keeps Jim calm in trying times.

American Hero Gets New Home (Video)


soldiers-steel-home.jpgAn Army Sergeant who lost three limbs in Iraq and his family have a brand new home thanks to 8,000 Metal industry workers. The ceremony to honor his service and award the new steel-frame house took place in Baltimore, the third year a wounded soldier has received a home.

Computers Help Docs Spot Breast Cancer on X-rays


mammo_breast_cancer.jpgA computer can safely replace a medical expert in a revolutionary way of interpreting a breast X-ray – according to a Cancer Research UK funded study.

A new study, published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine, has shown that a single trained expert plus a computer is just as effective at detecting breast cancer as the two experts who traditionally read a mammogram in the UK. In the United States and some other European countries only a single expert reads mammograms. This means that single readers using the computer aided detection program (CAD) will be even more effective at detecting breast cancer.

Taliban Seeking Peace, has Split with Al Qaeda

Taliban leaders are holding Saudi-brokered talks with the Afghan government to end the country’s conflict — and are severing their ties with al Qaeda, sources close to the historic discussions have told CNN. The talks — the first of their kind aimed at resolving the lengthy conflict in Afghanistan — mark a significant move by the Saudi leadership to take a direct role in Afghanistan, hosting delegates who have until recently been their enemies. (CNN – World News)

African Governance Improving: Study

Around two thirds of African countries have improved in the field of governance and human rights over the past year, according to the latest study released Monday by the Ibrahim Index, founded by British billionare Mo Ibrahim. (Thanks to Bill F. for the tip!)

Chicago Charter Schools Defy Expectation for Poor Students


noble_drama_2008.jpgAn inner city public high school consisting of poor students — mostly immigrants — has become a remarkable example of what a school can do. One hundred percent of the students graduate, and almost all go to some of the nation’s top colleges. Noble Street College Prep is one of seven in Chicago’s network of charter school campuses on which longer school days, longer school years and mandatory weekend tutoring prepare the students for college. Dress codes are part of life for the small student body, under 500 kids per school. (Read or listen to the report at National Public Radio)

2 Share Nobel Prize for Work on AIDS and Cancer


nobel-prize.jpgThree European scientists shared the 2008 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for separate discoveries of viruses that cause AIDS and cervical cancer, breakthroughs that helped doctors fight the deadly diseases. They will share the prize money.

(Associated Press)

Russian Troops Start Dismantling Their Posts in Georgia


helicopter-russian.jpgRussian troops began dismantling positions Sunday in the so-called security zones inside Georgia they have occupied since August’s brief but intense war, a Georgian Interior Ministry official said. (Oct. 5 Video)

Aussies Save Man From Car’s Icy River Plunge

A street sweeper who helped save a driver whose car plunged into a Gold Coast river says he is not a hero. “Undoubtedly, without the help of these three people from the Gold Coast community, that victim would have drowned,” he said. ( in Australia)