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New Berlin Memorial for WWII Germans who Helped Jews


berlin-heroes-memorial.jpgA new memorial center in Berlin pays tribute to the thousands of German who risked everything to save Jews from Nazi persecution and documents the years these “Silent Heroes” kept their Jewish guests hidden from the authorities.

The permanent museum exhibition shows the persecution and the desperate situation of Jews facing the threat of deportation, how some of them decided to resist the threat to their lives by going underground, as well as the actions and motivations of the men and women who helped them. It documents not only successes in saving Jews, but also attempts that failed.
Some 5,000 Jews in Germany were able to survive the war in hiding thanks to an unknown number of people who were involved in helping them. Research suggests that for each person in hiding, around 10 people were involved in aiding them. They found the courage to help as far as they could, despite the risk involved. Else Ackermann, a retired teacher, and her brother Hans, a former municipal civil servant, were two of these.

In 1942, at the age of 53, Johanna Putzrath was compelled to work as a forced laborer in a firm in Tempelhof in Berlin. She knew that Else Ackermann and her brother Hans, who were devout Protestants and adherents of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual philosophy, had offered help to another Jewish worker at the johanna-and-else.giffirm. When this woman was unexpectedly deported, Johanna Putzrath turned to the Ackermanns.  Without hesitating, Hans Ackermann took the unknown Jewish woman into his two-roomed apartment in Tempelhof. His sister Else, who lived in Steglitz, joined him in helping the refugee Johanna Putzrath.


At the end of January 1943 Hans Ackermann also gave shelter for over a month to a married couple, Ines and Max Krakauer, until they found other places to stay in southern Germany. Even when the Ackermanns’ apartments were destroyed by bombs in 1944, they moved, yet they continued hiding Johanna Putzrath. After almost two-and-a-half years, the three of them witnessed the end of the war together.

Johanna Putzrath emigrated to the USA and lived in New York until her death in 1975. Else Ackermann died in the 1940s in Berlin; her brother Hans died in 1959.

Visit the Memorial’s English website at
Read more about the Memorial’s stories in the UK Guardian.

(Photo: Johanna, left, with Else, who saved her from persecution)

Rare Fungus Discovered that Converts Plant Cellulose to Diesel Fuel


gary_strobel.jpgA unique fungus that makes diesel compounds directly from cellulose has been discovered living in trees in the Patagonian rainforest. “These are the first organisms that have been found that make many of the ingredients of diesel,” said Professor Gary Strobel from Montana State University. “This is a major discovery,” he said, that may offer an alternative to fossil fuels. (Environment News Service )

World Leaders’ Hopeful Quotes on Obama Election Win


obama-small-capital.jpgWorld leaders in Asia, Africa, and elsewhere offered their congratulations to President-elect Barack Obama on his historic win and expressed hopes that working together in the areas of peace, security, prosperity and justice will ensure progress. Here are my favorite quotes that appeared in a Reuters 4-page compilation:


“Your victory is an inspiration for us. That which appeared impossible has become possible.”

Buffett, Google Invest In Prolific Renewable You’ve Never Heard Of

geothermal plant in Iceland

geothermal-plant-in-iceland.jpgGeothermal energy may be the most prolific renewable fuel source that most people have never heard of. Although the supply is virtually limitless, the massive upfront costs required to extract it have long rendered geothermal a novelty. But that’s changing fast as this industry buzzes with activity after decades of stagnation: Billionaire Warren E. Buffett has invested big. Internet giant Google Inc. is bankrolling advanced research. Entrepreneurs are paying record prices for drilling leases in places like Nevada. (Read more at the L.A. Times) Thanks to Sun Star for sending the link!

Missouri Voters Approve 15% Renewables Standard

The Missouri Clean Energy Initiative was approved by a wide margin of voters in Tuesday’s election. The initiative requires utility companies to employ 15% renewable energy sources in their total output by 2021. (

Solar Power Game-Changer: Coating Helps Panels Soak up More Sun

sliver panel

sliver-panel.jpgResearchers have discovered and demonstrated a new method for overcoming major hurdles facing solar energy, developing a new antireflective coating that provides for ‘near perfect’ absorption of sunlight from all angles.

Using Thoughts and Technology to Help People Who Are Paralyzed

Scientists are using signals from the brain to enable paralyzed individuals to gain more control over their lives. Recent developments have enabled people to control computers and drive wheelchairs using only their thoughts. In the future, scientists hope that similar technologies will allow paralyzed individuals to control prosthetics or even their own paralyzed limbs with help from artificial circuitry. (CBS News/60 Minutes has the story)


Catholics and Muslims Meet in Historic Vatican Forum


blue-catholic-door.jpgThe Vatican Tuesday opened historic inter-faith talks with top Muslim leaders,  opening “a new chapter in the long history” of dialogue between the two faiths, two years after Pope Benedict XVI sparked outrage among Muslims for a speech seen as linking Islam with violence.

China, Taiwan Sign Historic Accords, Move to Ease Hostilities

China and Taiwan signed a landmark accord Tuesday launching economic and financial cooperation to ease six decades of hostilities that often took them to the brink of war. The historic signing ceremony was televised live on both sides.

Bed Nets Pay Off With Plunge in Malaria Cases in Gambia


mosquito_net.jpgThe incidence of malaria in Gambia fell substantially in five years — between 50 percent and 85 percent from 2003 to 2007 — thanks to insecticide-coated bed nets that protect children.

Putin Signs on Dotted Line for Far-Eastern Leopards


amur-leopaed-pittsb-zoo.jpgRussian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has signed the decree which will put into effect a long-sought protected area, home to half of all remaining Far-Eastern leopards.

The leopard, also known as the Amur leopard, the only species in the world able to survive long cold periods, is on the brink of extinction with only about thirty surviving members. However, this decree will bring a more concerted protection effort to those already in place.

Dogs Refuse To Leave Owner’s Side


2-dogs-with_owner.jpgTwo golden retrievers refused to leave the side of their Colorado owner even after 26 days, when he died in the fields having wondered away from home. Such devotion reminds us why dogs are known as Man’s Best Friend.

Click the small arrow at the bottom to watch the video, or read the report at WZZM.

Bush Accepts Saudi Invitation to UN Faith Talks

afghanmosque.jpgUS President George W. Bush has accepted Saudi King Abdullah’s personal invitation to attend a November 13 UN inter-faith conference to promote a global dialogue about religions, cultures and common values, the White House said Wednesday.

Bystanders Thwart Attempted Carjacking (Video)

Everyone knows crime happens. But there are angels and “Good Samaritans” who come to the rescue reviving our belief that most people care — and care enough to intervene at their own peril. Here is a news report from Kansas City, Missouri that demonstrates such a truth.

A Sea of Humanity Voted Today


obama-in-manassas.jpg3rd  UPDATE, NOV 8  The number of votes counted after Nov. 4 has already shattered all records. But the turnout rate appears to be shy of a new record. We won’t know until January.

Some things we do know: 22 of 47 states studied showed increases in turnout this year and Southern states set the biggest records.

The greatest increase in overall turnout was in North Carolina, where 9.4 percent more voters turned out, a record high. Georgia also had a record high turnout, up 6.7 percent, as did South Carolina with a 6.0 percentage point gain. Others setting new records included Alabama, Virginia, Mississippi, and the District of Columbia.

The dramatic increases are attributed to a dramatic rise in Democratic — and especially African-American — voters. North Carolina, Georgia and Virginia recorded huge gains for Democratic voters.

2nd UPDATE, NOV 5: The overall share of young people in the population voting ticked up a bit, but the youth turnout numbers is not yet available. This figure is the only one which will show if there was an increased percentage turnout of youth voters this year. The youth share  as a portion of the total turnout has stayed about the same, 17%, since 1996 because more people of every age have voted. However, youth turnout has grown, from 37% in 1996, to 41% in 2000, to 47% in 2004.

UPDATE: Americans turned out at the polls in record numbers today — unprecedented since women were given the right to vote in 1920. Secretaries of state estimated turnouts may be up to 80 percent or more in big states like Ohio, California, Texas, Missouri, Virginia. Colorado and Maryland.

Some thoughts from me on election day:

There is a decency that comes through on election day… and an indecency surrounding politics in general that must end. I hope all Americans will start treating others who are of an opposing political party with the respect and benefit of the doubt that is hopeful.

Congratulations to the grassroots of American politics who Got Out the Vote while campaigned decently for their candidate. May we come together in a spirit of improvement and solve our problems while being respectful of each other. Congratulations to John McCain for a gracious concession speech, a wonderful step toward this end.

Enthisiasm which is positive is a powerful force!

(photo by geri – Obama speaks to Manassas crowd of more than 80,000, November 3, 2008)

China Offers Pandas During Historic Talks With Taiwan

panda eating

pandaeating.jpgChina’s top negotiator left for Taiwan early Monday for high-level talks in a further sign of warming ties between the traditional foes. The two plan to exchange rare animals, two pandas from China and two Formosan serows in return.

Fresco Painting School Offers Free Video How-To’s Online

St. Nicholas depicted in fresco

fresco-dionisius-stnicholas.jpgLos Angeles based Fresco Painting School is proud to announce it’s new Video Channel on YouTube featuring video clips and tutorials on fresco painting techniques. The Fresco Video Channel debuts with the release of the detailed video tutorial on plastering tools.
(Right: fresco by Dionisius of St Nicholas)

Green Prisons Farm, Recycle to Save Energy, Money

prison bars

prisonbars.jpgInmates of the minimum-security facility, 25 miles from Olympia, the state capital, raise bees, grow organic tomatoes and lettuce, compost 100 percent of food waste and even recycle shoe scraps that are made into playground turf. (Associated Press via Seattle Times)

Playing for Change Brings Peace Through Music


Mark Johnson is the co-director of a remarkable documentary about the simple but transformative power of music: Playing for Change: Peace Through Music.

“Music is the one thing that opens the door to bringing people to a place where they are all connected,” Johnson told Bill Moyers on the Moyers Journal this month. “Religion, politics, a lot of those things they seem to divide everybody, but it is easy to connect to the world through music.”

Johnson and his film crew traveled the world recording musicians from places as diverse as Israel, South Africa, Venezuela and New Orleans, all playing the same songs together, listening through headphones. The result is a beautiful montage of spirit and music that has led to the building of schools for music in some of the poorest villages on Earth.

Watch this inspiring global rendition of Stand By Me.

Visit the website, Thanks to Tosho Bailey for sending the link!

Playing for Change Brings Peace Through Music


playing-for-change.jpgMark Johnson is the co-director of a remarkable documentary about the simple but transformative power of music: Playing for Change: Peace Through Music. “Music is the one thing that opens the door to bringing people to a place where they are all connected,” Johnson told Bill Moyers on the Moyers Journal this month. “Religion, politics, a lot of those things they seem to divide everybody, but it is easy to connect to the world through music.”