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Obama Hosts His First WH Easter Egg Roll (Video)



President Barack Obama and his family hosted hundreds of children on the South Lawn today for the annual White House Easter Egg Roll. 

Watch the video below showing the president helping a tiny girl who was having trouble moving her egg.

The Wait is Over: Obamas Choose First Dog



It’s decided: the Obamas have chosen a 6-month-old Portuguese water dog to be the first pet. It was a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy and fulfills the president’s election night promise to his daughters. 

bo-first-dog.jpg They named it Bo, after Bo Diddley, and Michelle’s father, whose nickname was Diddley.  


(White House photos of Bo- arriving at the White House, and greeting the first family)



(Video below may take a moment to load.)


Church Building Destroyed but Congregation is Resurrected With New Purpose


manhatten-church.jpgToday, the Peace Baptist Church will hear the familiar story of Easter resurrection and rebirth.

And, rising again is something the 150-member congregation knows a thing or two about. Last spring, the church’s longtime home, a massive Classic Revival building, was consumed by fire, but soon members will break ground on a new building and begin with earnest to live the Easter message.

“God has shaken us,” said the Prince of Peace’s pastor for the past 18 years. “We have a greater awareness of our purpose.” He envisions more neighborhood outreach – more work with struggling families, more direct assistance in neighborhood schools.

(Read their story in the Philadelphia Inquirer)

Sears to Sell Suits Made from Recycled Water Bottles


sears-recycled-plastic-suit.jpgSears will roll out in May a Spring line of men’s suits made of the first high-tech fabric that blends wool with polyester spun from recycled plastic soda bottles.

And get this: This suit is machine washable and can be tossed in the dryer, eliminating the need for dry cleaning and upping the eco-friendly ante, Danser said.

(Read the full story in Reuters)

Wind Officially Employs More than Coal Industry

wind turbines (NREL)
American Public Power Association

wind-turbines-spinning-nrel-credit.jpgIn some promising “green jobs” news, the wind industry in the U.S. has now officially surpassed the coal mining industry in the number of people it employs. Wind industry jobs increased to 85,000 in 2008 while the coal industry remained the same at about 81,000 jobs.

The country made huge gains in wind energy in the past couple of years and that increase obviously created huge gains in employment as well. Last year, there was a 50 percent increase in installed wind capacity and a 70 percent increase in wind industry jobs over the year before. Off those jobs, 13,000 were in regions of the country that had seen a loss of manufacturing jobs in recent years. (Read more in Yahoo/EcoGeek)

(Original source Jan. 29 Green Wombat blog at CNN/Fortune)

2-Legged Dog Inspires Others (Video)


2-legged-dog.jpg A tiny dog that was born without front legs is wowing and inspiring others. Her simple desire to get from one place to the next led her to learn to walk on her two hind legs.

Watch the video below, or with the CNN video player … 

Finned Wetsuit Made for Sea Turtle With Only One Flipper (Video)


turtle-wetsuit-with-fin.jpg Allison, a green sea turtle with only one flipper, was outfitted in a black neoprene suit with a carbon-fiber dorsal fin on the back that allows her to glide gracefully with other turtles.

Watch the video below (it may take a moment to load)…

Artists Create Pastoral Scenes on Giant Easter Eggs for World Tour


painted-giant-easter-eggs.jpg In Croatia, self-taught artists are painting giant Easter eggs displaying their native art form, creating fanciful scenes on eggs that will travel the world.

Video may take a moment to load – click the “X” to close overlayed advertisement…

Sacred Balancing Stones


balanced-stone.jpgHow complex and stressful the modern day lifestyle can be. With so much to “Do” there is hardly time to just “Be”. There is a balance that we try to achieve within our life of action and non-action: How much to push, how much to let go… Do I make more money, or spend less? When is enough, enough? Personally, through simplifying my life I have found more time to “Be” in a place of peace and balance.

The choice I made to prioritize simplicity in my life has led to letting go of many material things, including a fixed dwelling for a residence. I moved into a mobile home in the form of an RV, so I can move freely with the seasons. As a photographer this created many opportunities to spend extended periods of time in the natural world. With 100% solar generated electricity to power my computer work station, recharge camera batteries, etc. I am able to create my art in a multi-media way while traveling.

During this quest for peace and creativity, I discovered the art of ‘balanced stone sculptures’.

Peeps Diorama Contest Displays Sticky Wit and Humor


peeps-diorama-hopper.jpgIn the Washington Post’s third annual Peeps diorama contest, which drew 1,100 entries, the winner was a gorgeous re-creation of Edward Hopper’s iconic painting, Nighthawks. View “Nightpeeps” and a myriad of other whimsical dioramas, all featuring the marshmellow-sticky Easter treats, in a wonderful slide show. My favorites included the geometric Escher stairways with dizzying peeps and the Twilight Zone recreation, Nightmare at 20,000 Peeps!

View the Gallery of 2009 finalists, Peeps 111, and read the story at the Washington Post.

Stimulus in Action: “Beginning to Percolate Nationwide”

construction worker with VADOT

construction-worker-vadot.jpgBuilding repairs are underway on public housing in Imboden, Ark., and Cumberland, Ill., states across the country are receiving money to weatherize the homes of low-income residents, and the Silver Star Construction Co. is about to start work on two road-resurfacing projects in south-central Oklahoma with a total cost of $12 million. ‘We were thrilled to get some work,’ said Steve Shawn, president of the company. -The Washington Post

The White House highlighted news stories from across the country that describe the percolating of jobs and relief since passing the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 6 weeks ago.

Check out the stimulus effects rippling in Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, West Virginia and Wyoming. (Links on the White House Blog)

(Read about stimulus effects nationwide in the Washington Post)

Daughter Makes Mother Wake From Coma


cough-smiles.jpgA mother woke from a coma as doctors turned off her life-support machine after her little girl begged: “Please live, Mummy.”

As doctors warned her devastated family it was time to let her go, her eight-year-old Megan tearfully urged her mother to pull through – and Lori blinked her eyes. (Read full story at UK Daily Express)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star 

Sinn Fein Head Meets Hamas Leader in Gaza


gerry-adams.jpgGerry Adams, a key player in Northern Ireland’s peace process, and head of the Irish Republican Army-linked Sinn Fein met with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh late Wednesday in Gaza and planned more talks with officials of the Islamic militant group Thursday.

Sinn Fein is a political party linked to the Irish Republican Army – a group that, like Hamas, was labeled terrorist because of violent tactics used to battle Britain. But unlike Hamas, Sinn Fein engaged in negotiations that transformed it into a legitimate political player, recognized by Britain and local foes.

(Read full AP story in the Seattle Times)

Residents Pitch in to Complete $4 Million Road Repair — for Free (w/ Video)


locals-repair-roads.jpgTheir livelihood was being threatened, and they were tired of waiting for government help, so business owners and residents on Hawaii’s Kauai island pulled together and completed a $4 million repair job to a state park — for free. 

Polihale State Park has been closed since severe flooding destroyed an access road to the park and damaged facilities in December.

The state didn’t have the money estimated to repair the site and likely would have left the park closed. So locals pulled together machinery and manpower and hit the ground running March 23.

Watch video below, or read the full story at CNN

Inventor Turns Cardboard Boxes into Eco-Friendly Solar Oven


dad-solar-oven-jon-bohmer.jpgWhen Jon Bohmer sat down with his two little girls for a simple project they could work on together, he didn’t realize they’d hit upon a solution to one of the world’s biggest problems for just $5: A solar-powered oven.

The ingeniously simple design uses two cardboard boxes, one inside the other, and an acrylic cover that lets in the sun’s rays and traps them.

(Read full story in CNN)

Thanks also to Dorie Mickelson for submitting the story! 


Ford Plugs in Electric Cars

Ford's plug-in motor

ford-plug-in-motor.jpg Check out the Ford electric plug-in that can travel 100 miles on a full charge. The EV’s, as they are called (for electric vehicles), are the future for automakers, and Detroit is planning not to finish second.

Watch the Fortune video below, or with CNN player.


One of the Coolest Rides Around: Zamboni Dream Fulfilled


zamboni.jpg “I’ve been wanting to do that since I was 6 years old,” said an ebullient girl as she climbed down from the seat of a Zamboni. Vicky Brewer, 41, had fulfilled the dream of many an ice skater, hockey fan and gearhead by driving an actual Zamboni Ice Resurfacer, a brand-new one belonging to the Herbert Wells Ice Rink in College Park.

(Read the story in the Washington Post)


Online Businesses Set to Expand in 2009


ebay.logo.jpgA large majority of online businesses in the UK are confident about the future and more than three-quarters are planning to expand their businesses during 2009, according to eBay’s new Online Business Index.

The Index shines a light on an increasingly successful part of the British economy, compiled from data and survey responses from hundreds of small and medium-sized online retail businesses, collectively turning over an estimated £785 million in 2008 alone. The Index reveals that:

  • 64% of online businesses feel confident about theimmediate business outlook, according to survey findings, with only 15% expressing pessimism.
  • Revenue increased even faster in 2008 than it did a year previously, and growth in the last quarter of 2008 stood at an average of 28.6%, up from 23.4% in the last quarter of 2007.
  • 78% plan to expand or diversify their businesses according to the survey.
  • More than half of those surveyed – 54% – expect rising sales, with a further 30% expecting sales to remain stable.
  • Exports by online businesses are surging, with eBay data demonstrating a 128% increase in the last year alone.

Wisconsin Family Inspires the President, Gets a Note Back


obama-letter.jpgThree Weeks ago I suggested to my husband that he write a personal letter to the President of the United States. He (Mike) looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I had not though.

A few days passed and he mentioned that he had in fact written the letter. He shared with President Obama some personal and encouraging insights. Some were about how the present economy had affected our household and how it similarly had affected millions of other Americans. The letter brought tears to my eyes.

Mike’s writings are very powerful and inspiring. I had read, or seen, that although the White House gets over 40,000 a day, President Obama reads 10 letters a week from regular Americans. I told Mike we had to ‘Believe”.

The next thing we knew there was a letter in our mailbox from the White House! The President actually read his letter and said that it meant a lot. He thanked Mike for the inspiring letter.

We could not believe it. No matter who a person voted for, this had to be respected. President Obama was preparing for his first trip overseas to meet other World leaders. Not to mention the million other things he has on his plate. Yet he takes the time to write, personally, to an average American family. He truly is the people’s President. It was not a form letter or something typed and handed to him to sign. It was a personal note of thanks.

Mike’s own life is a story is an example for the world. Never have I seen one man go through so much. He was taken from his home at nine, and placed into a state mental hospital. 17 years of his life were spent away from society. He overcame severe mental health issues to rebuild his life.

Today he mentors troubled teens, inspiring them with the belief that anything can happen. Now he has the perfect example: He helped to inspire the President of the United States. (Maybe the kids will listen and believe that anything really is possible.)

Since first making it public, that our President took the time to personally respond to an average American family, we have been offered thousands for both letters. Mike said no offer would be as valuable, and then went to work as a part time cook and dishwasher, making $9.00 an hour.

These hard times have brought families closer. We are a great country and will overcome all our issues.

The letter from President Obama gives important insight into what role the President plays in the United States. The world should know that a common American family can bend the ear of the most powerful man in the world.

He never had to write back. This will inspire others to also reach out and continue to believe that their thoughts sent will be heard too. Only good comes from something so positive. We are proud to have helped inspire our President!

Mike volunteers with the Marathon County Restorative Justice Program.

Turn Around in Banking Sector Sees Wells Fargo Predicting $3Bil Profit


1stwisconsinbldg.jpgIn a stunning turn-around for the health of the banking sector, one of the first major banks to get the TARP rescue funds offered by the US government, Wells Fargo, has reported today that it expects to post a record profit of $3 billion in the first quarter.

“The announcement not only sent Wells Fargo stock 32% higher, but boosted shares of many other big banks as investors bet that Wells’ peers may also post results that exceed Wall Street’s estimates.”

(Read full report in CNN Money)

Thanks to Beth Gern for submitting the link!