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China Launches Effort to Provide Universal Health Care


stethoscope.jpgChina unveiled a sweeping health care plan that will extend basic health care to 90 percent of its population by 2011, with a promise to improve health care services to all residents by 2020.

In the first three years, China plans to spend $124 billion toward providing universal health care and improving public health care facilities.

Millennials: The Civic Generation a Force for Change

Get Engaged helps match volunteers to causes

get-engaged.jpgThe ‘Civic generation’ is rolling up its sleeves to lend a hand at home and abroad

Young adults who grew up in the shadow of the 9/11 attacks and saw the wreckage of Hurricane Katrina are volunteering at home and abroad in record numbers. The Millennials, the generation that learned in school to serve as well as to read and write, became the first global Internet explorers as they pioneered social networking for favorite causes at home.

“Community service is part of their DNA.”

(Read the full article in USA Today)

Stem Cell Transplant ‘Very Encouraging’ for Type 1 Diabetes

stemcells.jpgA handful of people with type 1 diabetes have been able to survive without insulin shots for more than two-and-a-half years, on average, after having their own blood stem cells removed and reimplanted through intravenous injection, U.S. and Brazilian researchers reported Tuesday.

(Read full story in CNN/Health Magazine) 

Despite Abuse Otter the Dog Loves Life (Video)


golden-face-2-legged.jpgA neighborhood woman adopted a special needs dog and spends time caring for it every day.  The dog displays unending love toward her, despite being terribly abused as a puppy by his prior owner.

A Good News Network member, Peggy Ijams, made this video about her neighbor, “an angel who walks among us”, and calls it a tale of forgiveness.

(Read also this Pawtucket Times story about another GNN member, Herb Weiss, who adopted a special needs dog with a host of problems. Weiss and a partner say they couldn’t be happier with the new addition to the family, even though they sometimes feel as though they run an animal hospital themselves.)


First Female Saudi Appointment an Encouraging Development

afghanmosque.jpgLast month’s appointment of a Saudi woman as Deputy Minister of Women’s Education – the first female appointment of its kind – is an encouraging development, one that may influence change and accelerate reform in Saudi Arabia.

Women are making strides in other sectors too. For example, the government has appointed a female dean at a university in Riyadh and one can find women who head departments in some Saudi hospitals.

Iran Willing to Build New Relationship With US


flag-of-iran.jpgIran’s president on Wednesday sent the clearest signal yet that the Islamic Republic wants warmer ties with the U.S., just one day after Washington spoke of new strategies to address the country’s disputed nuclear program. Taken together, the developments indicate that the longtime adversaries are seeking ways to return to the negotiating table and ease a nearly 30-year-old diplomatic standoff.

(Read more from AP on Yahoo News) 

The Uplifting Truth About Britain’s Youth


liverpool-musicians.jpg Only 9 per cent of adults believe young people make a positive contribution to their local communities, says a new study in the UK. But, according to experts, the media’s vilification of all young people is unfounded.

“Reading the great British press, it would be easy to think that all our teenagers are involved in gangs and wielding knives. There is a problem with youth crime in some parts of the UK, but teenagers are more likely to volunteer than any other age group, while nearly two-thirds of 10- to 15-year-olds have raised money for charity.”

(Read the full story in The Independent)

Thanks to Nic B. for the story tip! 


10 Ways to Beat the Blues?


hosta-yellow.jpgBlame a long winter, blame media fixations with bad news, blame the credit crunch and the thought of looming global depression – Britons are more fearful than they were 10 years ago, the Mental Health Foundation says. And more people are suffering from anxiety, which can lead to depression.

The foundation wants a “mental health promotion campaign that shows individuals how to look after their own mental health”. Mental health professionals offer some simple suggestions, like buying a light box, getting out in the garden or petting a cat.

(Continuing Reading at the BBC)

Royal Castle Made of Sand on French Beach (Video)


sand-castle-royalty.jpg Sand sculptures on the theme “Kings and Queens” have been carved out on the beach of Le Touquet in northwestern France. Some 130 artworks are on display until the end of August.

Sculptors from around the world took part, using 2000 tons of sand in all.

(Watch the Video below – it may take a moment to load, click the “X” to close the overlayed advertisement – or watch at Clip Synidicate

Hydrogen in Every Home: Japanese Slash Energy Use and CO2 Emissions


hydrogen-cogeneration-system.jpgTrials by companies including Panasonic and Toyota are underway at 3,000 homes throughout Japan, to bring mini hydrogen power plants into backyards that will provide heat and power while emitting a fraction of the carbon dioxide of normal energy sources by using a hydrogen fuel cell to convert natural gas into electricity. It’s called a fuel cell cogeneration system.

(Read about Panasonic’s debut in 

(Read more in Ode Magazine)

From Behind a Desk to Behind a Turntable (Video)


disc-jockey.jpg With the economy declining and unemployment lines growing, some residents in New York are hoping to make an unusual career switch: trading in their blackberries for turntables. One deejay school has seen enrollment double in the past year.

(Watch the video below (it may take a moment to load), or at Clip Syndicate)

The New Internet Start-Up Boom: Get Rich Slow


typing.gifAt no other time in recent history has it been easier or cheaper to start a new kind of company. Possibly a very profitable company. Let’s call these start-ups LILOs, for “a little in, a lot out.” These are Web-based businesses that cost almost nothing to get off the ground yet can turn into great moneymakers (if you work hard and are patient, but we’ll get to that part of the story).

How do you get started? All that’s required is a great idea for a product that will fill a need in the 21st century. These days you’d do best if your idea either makes people money or saves them money.

(Continue reading at Time Magazine)

New Orangutan Population Found in Indonesia


orangutan.jpgConservationists have discovered a new population of orangutans in a remote, mountainous corner of Indonesia – perhaps as many as 2,000 – giving a rare boost to one of the world’s most critically endangered great apes.

Thanks to the team from The Nature Conservancy.

(Read the full AP article via

Encouraging Signs for Osprey


osprey_perched.jpgAfter the population of osprey in Massachusetts plummeted to 12 pairs in the 1960s, the majestic bird began a slow recovery starting after the banning on DDT in 1972. The state removed the osprey from its listing as a species of special concern when the nesting population hit 300 pairs. Today, there are between 1,000 to 1,500 osprey pairs that nest in southern New England.

(Read the full story at Cape Cod online)

(Photo by Mike Baird, CC license 2.0) 

When is Forgiveness Appropriate?


forgiving-drunk-driver.jpgOn Easter Sunday the CBS Sunday Morning show explored the concept of forgiveness. One woman has forgiven the man who killed her son in a drunken driving crash, and now embraces him during public events where the two talk to high school students about drinking and driving.

Yet a parent of another boy killed in the same crash says his son will have died for nothing if he, the father, was to to offer any forgiveness whatsoever.

What is your view? Watch the video in the link below to hear from religious leaders and others on the case for forgiveness.

(You can also read the full story at CBS)

Thanks to Malcolm W. Henley for submitting the story link! 


Obama Eases Restrictions on US Travel to Cuba

flag of Cuba

flag_of_cuba.pngYesterday, President Obama took initial steps to reach out to the Cuban people, fulfilling a campaign promise to lift travel restrictions and limits on money sent by Americans to Cuban family members.

The Secretaries of State, Treasury and Commerce will carry out the actions necessary to lift all restrictions on the ability of individuals to visit family members in that country, and to send them remittances.

He’s further directed that steps be taken to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian items directly to the Cuban people.

(Read more in Bloomberg)

Highway Deaths Drop to Lowest Level Since 1961


cars-driving-at-sunset.jpgThe number of Americans killed on U.S. highways last year was the lowest since 1961, the Department of Transportation announced Monday.

The rate of deaths on U.S. highways also hit a record low last year — 1.28 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled, down from 1.36 in 2007, the department said in a news release.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood credited more widespread seat belt use for the drop.  High gas prices may have also played a roll, taking more drivers off the road.

(Read for more details)

Passenger Lands Plane After Pilot Dies

Photo by Sun Star

sunflower.jpgSaving four lives, a passenger landed a twin-engine plane at Southwest Florida International Airport in Fort Myers after the pilot died in flight.

(Read full story at New York Times)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star. 

‘Super Sherpa’ Climbs to Clean Up Everest

Mout Everest

everest-north.jpgApa Sherpa has stood on top of the world more times than anyone in history, and now he is heading back up Mount Everest, not for the fame or glory, but in the name of environmental protection.

This spring season, Apa, 49, hopes to conquer Everest for the 19th time, bring  down as much rubbish as he can carry. and also use the trip to focus attention on how climate change is affecting the Himalayas.

(Read full story from AFP on Google)

Kidnapped US Captain Rescued, Pirate Taken into Custody by Navy Seals


captain-freed.jpgNavy Seals rescued an American sea captain in a surprise nighttime assault in choppy seas Easter Sunday, ending a five-day standoff and freeing the captain, who is in good health. The surviving pirate was taken into custody and is being treated humanely.

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