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Archeologists Hope to Find Tomb of Cleopatra


marc-antony-mask-ap.jpg Archaeologists from Egypt and the Dominican Republic next week will begin excavating three sites near the Mediterranean Sea that may contain the tombs of doomed lovers, Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, who committed suicide.

Watch video below (click “X” to close advertisement overlay)…

Venezuela’s Chavez to Restore Ambassador in US


obama-chavez-ap.jpgIn a move toward improving strained ties with Washington, Hugo Chavez said Saturday that he is restoring Venezuela’s ambassador in Washington. He voiced hopes for a “new era” in relations after exchanging greetings with U.S. President Barack Obama at several points during a regional summit over the weekend.

(Read the AP Wire story at ABC News)

Also, watch a video summarizing new ties America is forging with both Venezuela and Cuba (below).

“President Barack Obama offered a spirit of cooperation to America’s hemispheric neighbors at a summit Saturday, listening to their complaints about past U.S. interference in the region.”


Update: Susan Boyle Gets Duet Invite from Idol Elaine Paige


susan-boyle-sings.jpgOvernight sensation Susan Boyle. whose voice stunned viewers of Britain’s Got Talent last week, has been invited to perform with her idol, British theater icon Elaine Paige, reports the Guardian.

“It seems her performance has captured the hearts of everyone who saw it, me included,” Paige wrote on her website. “Perhaps we should record a duet?”

The Daily Record in London unearthed Susan Boyle’s first recording, a sultry version of Cry Me a River. (Listen here)

(Read full story and hear clips at the Guardian) 

Pittsburgh Samaritan Treks to Chicago, Performs Five Good Deeds for Strangers


pittsburgh-to-chicago-map.jpg A Pittsburgh man trekked to Chicago for no other reason than to do good deeds for strangers in the hope that they will do the same for others.

He asked strangers on Craig’s List if anyone needed help with anything. Choosing 5 good deeds, he bought a car battery for an unemployed man, gave another man a ride to pick up a truck 35 miles away, helped dismantle a swing set, lugged construction materials from a demolished bathroom and made a clothing donation to a homeless agency.

He calls it the best weekend of his life. While remaining anonymous, he made a 9-minute video to help inspire others.

(Read about it in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)


Maya Nut Changes Lives While Aiding the Rain Forest


maya-nuts.jpgErika Vohman is improving the lives of women in poverty in Central America by teaching them about their native Maya nut, a nutrient-rich seed that grows abundantly in rain forests.

Many are still unaware of the nut, which can be ground into a hearty meal for porridge or flatbread, or prepared to taste like mashed potatoes, chocolate or coffee.

Watch the video below, or read the story at CNN.

Thanks to Alison R. for the story tip! 


Landmark Shift as U.S. Declares Greenhouse Gases a Public Health Risk

smoke stack pollution

smoke-stack-pollution.jpgThe Obama administration opened the way to regulating U.S. greenhouse gas emissions on Friday by declaring climate-warming pollution a danger to human health and welfare, in a sharp policy shift from the Bush administration. (AP)

“This pollution problem has a solution — one that will create millions of green jobs and end our country’s dependence on foreign oil,” said EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.

(Read the story in the Miami Herald)

Britain’s First Charity Donor to Give 1 Billion

wishing seeds

wonder.jpgFulfilling a personal goal, former science minister and supermarket tycoon Lord Sainsbury has become the first Briton to give more than £1 billion to charity.

His charitable foundation has given away £660m to support scientific research, children’s charities, the arts and mental health. Sainsbury has allocated a further £465m for good causes, which is in the foundation awaiting distribution, taking the overall total to more than £1 billion.

(Read more in the Times Online)

Last year, hedge fund manager Chris Hohn, 41, became Britain’s largest-ever donor with a gift of one-half billion.


Some Utahns Turn Sour Economy into Opportunity


elderly-banana-smiles.jpgFor many, losing their jobs has turned out to be a good thing.

Many have sought to retool their skills in colleges and trade schools. Others are tightening their belts and wondering if their families might actually be better off with one income — and a stay-at-home parent. Still others have started new business ventures.

These Utah residents prove there always is opportunity in any economic climate.

(Read story in Salt Lake Tribune)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star 

Florida Talks Tough for Turtles



Florida wildlife officials have tentatively approved a new rule that will impose the nation’s strongest measures to protect freshwater turtles in the state. It would ban the sale and harvesting of native turtles and eggs.

Video may take a moment to load… 

Slumdog Makers Pledge Mumbai Cash


slumdog-kids.jpgThe makers of Slumdog Millionaire have announced they are to donate £500,000 to a charity which will help children living in the slums of Mumbai. Director Danny Boyle said: “It is only right that some of the success of the movie be ploughed back into the city (where it was shot).” 

(Read full details at BBC)

MIT Roof Hosts Vegetable Gardens on Little-Used Garage


mit-rooftop-measuring.jpgThis summer, vegetables, flowers and herbs will take the place of some of the cars and trucks atop a MIT garage becoming the Institute’s first-ever community garden.

Not only is it a way to reduce their carbon footprint. The project also aims to foster community and give back to those in need: At least 2 percent of all harvested produce will be given to Food for Free, a local charity that finds and distributes fresh food to pantries, meal programs and shelters.

Mystery Donors Give $45 Million to Colleges

Photo by Sun Star

sunflower.jpgA mystery is unfolding in the world of college fundraising: During the past few weeks, at least eight universities have received gifts totaling nearly $45 million, and the schools had to promise not to try to find out the giver’s identity.

(Read the AP story at MSNBC)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star 

Blind Get New Satellite Navigation System to Guide Dogs


sat-nav-sys-for-blind.jpg A revolutionary satellite navigation system that directs guide dogs for blind people has been invented by a British University student. The device clips on to the dog’s harness and vibrates on the left or right side to tell the handler which direction to go in.

“I wanted to create something that would have a life-changing effect but would also draw on the unique skills of the guide dog.”

(Read more in the UK Sun)

Michigan Lottery Winner Gives Prize to Charity

NICE license plate

nice-license-plate.JPGA Kalamazoo-area man who won $10,000 in the Michigan Lottery’s Club Keno game has donated his winnings to a charity.

“I know the needs in the community are great right now, so for me it was the right thing to do,”  said Jim Dancy, who gave all the proceeds to the Greater Kalamazoo United Way.

(Read the full story at MSNBC)

Another Train Station Bursts into Song


train-station-musical-do-re-mi.jpgAnother random act of music in a public place — this time in Belgium, Antwerp’s Central Station.

It began when passengers walking through the lobby heard a recording of “Do Re Mi,” the familiar opening lines of the Julie Andrews classic from Sound of Music. As the song builds so does the participation, as it seems like everyone in the train station that day knew the choreography and provided a big group hug.

It was a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program that is looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of “The Sound of Music”.

The seemingly spontaneous dance within a train station was a copy of a wonderful recent commercial filmed in London for T-Mobile (watch the video here).

Another Train Station Bursts into Song


train-station-musical-do-re-mi.jpgAnother random act of music in a public place — this time in Belgium, Antwerp’s Central Station.

It began when passengers walking through the lobby heard a recording of “Do Re Mi,” the familiar opening lines of the Julie Andrews classic from Sound of Music. As the song builds so does the participation, as it seems like everyone in the train station that day knew the choreography and provided a big group hug. 

It was a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program that is looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of “The Sound of Music”.

The seemingly spontaneous dance within a train station was a copy of a wonderful recent commercial filmed in London for T-Mobile (watch the video here).

Cure Finally Found For Honey Bee Colony Collapse

honey bee photo by John Stone,

honey-bee-eye.jpgFor the first time, scientists have identified the parasite that causes honey bee colonies to collapse in professional apiaries. They then went on to treat the infection with complete success using an antibiotic drug, which led to recovery of all infected colonies.

 (Read  more in Science Daily)

Thanks to Pam Guthrie for submitting the fabulous news 

Jagaur to Build Volt-like Luxury Electric Car

jaquar electric car

jaquar-electric.jpgJaguar has announced its intentions to produce an extended-range electric next-generation XJ luxury sedan.

Autocar says a $407.8 million loan from the European Investment Bank will help the venerable British automaker develop the car, which will be based on the next-generation XJ. The e-Jag will be a range-extended electric vehicle akin to the Chevrolet Volt or Fisker Karma.

(Read more in AutoCar)

What a Dog Taught Me About Personal Growth


marlene-chism.jpgMy mom’s neighbor had shoulder surgery so she agreed to babysit Buddy, her neighbor’s heavy set and short legged terrier. I offered to take Buddy outside, and started toward the deck.

“Buddy is afraid to go down the stairs” my mom said, “You’ll have to take him out the front.”

“I’ll get him to go out the back,” I said, up for the challenge.

“He will absolutely not go down stairs,” my mom warned.

“Watch me” I said.

“Here Buddy. What a sweet doggie. Yes you are! Come-on Buddy, that’s a good boy,” I said in my most excited and sweetest baby-talk voice.

Here came buddy waddling like a little pig down the steps to take a leak on the grass. My mom stood there with her mouth gaped open in a state of disbelief.

China Launches Effort to Provide Universal Health Care


stethoscope.jpgChina unveiled a sweeping health care plan that will extend basic health care to 90 percent of its population by 2011, with a promise to improve health care services to all residents by 2020.

In the first three years, China plans to spend $124 billion toward providing universal health care and improving public health care facilities.