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Fla. Boy Completes Walk to D.C. for Homeless


walking-to-dc-capitol-zach.jpg11 year-old Zach Bonner finally made it to D.C. Thursday, climbing the steps of the U.S. Capitol and completing his walk from Tampa, Florida – a 1,225 mile trek – on behalf of homeless children.

Zach’s Little Red Wagon campaign continues to raise money and awareness of homelessness and already has a new goal on the horizon, walking from Tampa to Los Angeles.

“You don’t have to be all grown up. No matter how old or how young you are, you can make a difference. There’s all kinds of things you can do,” said Zach, who has a YouTube video describing his campaign.

Watch Fox News Video below, or read the story here

Boy Saves Gorillas, One Egg at a Time

gorillas photo WWF's Martin Harvey

gorillas-mountain-wwf-martin-harvey.jpgWhen James Brooks got a chance to meet the gorillas at the Toronto Zoo, it was definitely the highlight of his day.

He is the founder of a charity that helps protect the rare eastern lowland gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo through support for a group of widows and schoolchildren living nearby The widows run a poultry farm, which generates income and provides food for the local children. As of June, the project had raised $1,961.52 – enough to buy 7,846 eggs from the farm, at $3 a dozen, for the schoolchildren.

“If people have food and they have money, they won’t need to hunt gorillas and they won’t need to move into their habitat,” James explained.

(Continue reading in the Toronto Star)

Blind Pianist Wins Van Cliburn Award (Video)



The 20 year old blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii became an overnight star in Japan after winning the internationally renowned Van Cliburn award.

Watch the video below, or at the Newsroom

Philippines to Resume Peace Talks with Communist Rebels


philippines-volcano.jpgThe Philippine government and the main communist rebel group agreed to resume peace talks stalled since 2005, hoping to sit down next month in Norway, officials from both sides said on Wednesday.

The government will be suspending arrest warrants against rebel leaders who take part in the talks.

The 40 years of a Maoist-led insurgency has killed more than 40,000 people and scared potential investments in the poor.

(Read more from Reuters)

Soccer Offers Hope for Homeless (Video)

homeless soccer World Cup

homeless-soccer-tourny.jpg A homeless soccer league in New York gets teens and adults off the streets and provides hope for a better life.

The league will compete for the right to represent America in the Homeless World Cup in Milan this year.

Watch the video below, or at the NewsRoom... 

Almost 200 Child Soldiers Returned to Families


childsoldiers.jpgThe United Nations Children’s Fund yesterday welcomed the release of nearly 200 child soldiers by a Central African rebel group.

The People’s Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD) has released 166 boys and 16 girls aged between 10 and 17 since April, and nearly all those child soldiers have since been reunited with their families, UNICEF said in a statement.

The release of the child soldiers follows the rebels’ signature of a peace agreement last year and a visit to the Central African Republic (CAR) by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict.

Squirrel and Builder Friend are Inseparable (Video)


squirrel-in-human-hands.jpgA squirrel has built up a close relationship with a builder who found him when he was only a week old.

Nutty even showers with his surrogate “mum”, Tony in the UK, and goes to work with him.

Watch the video from the BBC, or on YouTube below… 

Crime is Plummeting Across N. America, Yet No One Knows Why


gun-ban-sign.jpgFour years after the “Summer of the Gun”, Toronto police Chief Bill Blair is celebrating a nearly 30 percent overall drop in crime.

“We have experienced crime reduction numbers in this city that are without precedence anywhere in North America,” Blair said.

But, this downward trend in crime statistics is being documented in cities across Canada and the United States. The most recent study by Statistics Canada shows double-digit declines in Criminal Code offences in Winnipeg, Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto, while Ottawa, Calgary and Edmonton showed decreases of more than 5 per cent.

In the United States, the Bureau of Justice has recorded steady decreases in both property and violent crime in New York, Detroit and Chicago over the past 10 years. 

A score of scholars have produced a wide variety of theories to explain the drop, but none explain why Canada also has seen such improvement…

(Read the story in the Toronto Sun)

(READ this GNN feature story for more success stories in the US:  Crime in US Drops Significantly, Despite Economic Downturn 

Nation’s Capitol Takes Stand Against Plastic Bags


plastic-bag-litter.jpgThe mayor of Washington, DC signed a bill this week that will establish a 5 cent fee charged to the consumer for every plastic bag used at a grocery store, or other retailer. The nickel fee will go into effect January 1 and will pay for cleaning up the Anacostia River (with a penny of it going to the retailer).

Mayor Adrian Fenty described the change as a simple step and said in a statement, “Disposable bags are a menace to our waterways, and dramatically cutting down on their use will have a measurable impact almost immediately.”

Passenger on Faulty Jet Steps Forward to Fix the Problem


jet-thomas-cook-air.jpgAfter airline passengers were told an engineer was needed to fix a technical glitch on their flight, thus causing an 8-hour delay, one of the passengers announced he was a qualified engineer and offered to help.

He managed to solve the problem and the Thomas Cook airliner took off, landing in Glasgow just 35 minutes late on Saturday.

(Read the story on the Daily Mail)

Retired Man Fights Armed Robber (Video)


old-men-embrace.jpgA 68-year-old pensioner fights a knife wielding robber who attempted a raid on a bookmakers in Farnborough, England. He came to the aid of two women cashiers and despite getting stabbed twice, he fought on. Due to his efforts, police were able to identify and charge the man.

Video may take a moment to load, or watch it at ClipSyndicate.


Michael Jackson Memorial Fit for a King (Video)



Celebrities, fans and family gathered in a 20,000-seat Los Angeles arena to pay tribute to the late Michael Jackson in a two-hour public memorial.

The biggest surprise and most touching moment came at the end when his 11-year old daughter, Paris, spontaneously clutched the microphone to tell the world how much she loved her father.

Speeches by Brook Shields and Magic Johnson, along with moving performances by Stevie Wonder, John Mayer and Jennifer Hudson, portrayed superstar Michael Jackson not only as a creative genius, but a human being, loving family member and friend.

Video below may take a moment to load…

S. Korean President Gives His $26M Fortune to Youth Scholarship Fund


homework.jpgSouth Korea’s president will donate about 33.1 billion won ($26 million) — almost all of his personal fortune — to establish a new youth scholarship program, his office said Monday.

(Read the AP story here) 

Obama and Medvedev Cut Nuclear Arsenals


obama-medvedev-signing.jpgPresident Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia reached a preliminary agreement yesterday to cut the American and Russian nuclear arsenals by as much as a third while exploring options for cooperation on missile defense.

They hammered out agreements on a range of concerns including health issues.

“President Medvedev and I made progress on negotiating a new treaty that will substantially reduce our warheads and delivery systems,” said Mr. Obama. “We renewed our commitment to clean, safe and peaceful nuclear energy, which must be a right for all nations that live up to their responsibilities under the NPT. And we agreed to increase cooperation on nuclear security, which is essential to achieving the goal of securing all vulnerable nuclear material within four years.”

(Read more in the Boston Globe)

In this White House photo, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev sign documents on nuclear arms reduction before their news conference at the Kremlin in Moscow Monday, July 6, 2009.

Beach Town Gives Free Holidays to Aussie Fire Victims



Fifty families who were victims of the terrible Australian bushfires last year will enjoy all-expense-paid holidays on the Gold Coast beaches of Queensland.

150-200 fire victims will be provided with the free, five-day holidays, including flights courtesy of Virgin Blue.

27 hotel and apartment operators across the Gold Coast will provide free accommodation and the city council will fund entry to theme parks, transfers and meals during their stay.

(Read the story at Gold Coast Mail)

Thanks to Adriana Volona for submitting the story from Down Under!

Virgin Music Festival Gives 35,000 Free Tickets: Just Donate or Volunteer for the Homelsss


free-fest-virgin-concert.jpgAn innovative charity concert twist rewards volunteerism with free concert tickets. The Virgin Mobile FreeFest music festival already gave away 35,000 tickets for free, scooped up in minutes by people willing to donate $5.00 to the cause of youth homelessness. Now, it is giving away 3,000 additional free tickets and VIP passes to fans who are willing to volunteer for the homeless.

Thirteen hours of volunteer service at select homeless organizations gets a VIP pass to the festival, which runs all day Aug. 30 at Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, Md. Eight hours earns you a general admission pass. 

Those who grabbed one of the 35,000 tickets to the gig, headlined by Blink-182 and Weezer, are being asked to donate $5. Get volunteer details at

(Read more at USA Today)

Vets Without Borders Bringing Relief to Animals in War Torn Africa


rwandan-cow-heifer-intl-geoff-oliver-bugbee.jpgTwo American veterinarians are heading off to Liberia this month to help the animals who have suffered because of a 14-year civil war in the West African country.

The two will be the only practicing veterinarians in the entire country.

Dr. Arlene Gardsbane and Dr. Beth Miller are part of Veterinarians Without Borders and their mission is to establish the Veterinarians to Liberia Project.

“War wiped everything out,” said Dr. Gardsbane.

Dr. Gardsbane DMV is an expert in small animal medicine and surgery while Dr. Miller DVM specializes in livestock production in developing countries. Together the focus of their visit will be to “assess the country’s needs and develop a plan to promote the health of the people, their pets, livestock and wildlife.” It’s a tall order to fill in a short three week trip.

Big Drop in Truck Fatalities on U.S. Highways


semi-tractor-trailer.jpgA steep decline in car-truck crash fatalities shows that the trucking industry is making serious strides when it comes to safety improvements.

Crash data compiled by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that the truck-involved fatality rate on the nation’s roadways declined 12% in 2008.

(Read more in Fleet Owner)

Africa Alone Could Feed the World

food program in Bolivia

food-program-bolivia.jpgDoom-mongers have got it wrong – there is plenty of unused, fertile land available in the world to produce the extra food needed to feed a growing population. And contrary to expectation, most of it can be grown in Africa, say two international reports published this week.

(Continue reading in New Scientist)

Getting Back On Course: Golf Pro Serves Wounded Veterans


golf-for-wounded-vets.jpg After golf professional Jim Estes met some wounded veterans, he was moved by “tremendous guilt”.

“I started thinking about how these young kids have been so traumatized. I kept thinking that I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do something to help their lives. It was just something that touched me, and I knew I had to get involved.”

Over the past two years, Estes, 43, has devoted his talents for golf toward positively influencing the lives of dozens of young vets — even helping to design better prosthetics.

Watch the video below, or read more the story at the Washington Post