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Soros Gives $35 Million to New York Children for School Supplies

kids playing, photo by Sun Star

monkey-bars-smiles.jpg850,000 New York children in low-income families will receive $200 each for back to school supplies from wealthy financier George Soros. Soros and his Open Society Institute today announced a $35 million gift for kids across the state for purchasing supplies and clothing for the new school year.

The grants enable the state to draw upon another $140 million in federal stimulus matching funds. Governor Paterson, who announced with Soros the program at a Harlem elementary school, said helping families who are on public assistance and food stamps was most definitely an economic stimulus.

“Even in the toughest of economic times, starting the school year right is key to a child’s success,” said Mr. Soros. “When I was a student after World War II, I had no money. I received financial help, and I remember how important that was to my education. Since then I have been very fortunate and am happy to have the opportunity today to help others. I hope these funds will relieve some of the financial burden on New York’s families,” added Mr. Soros.

One of the Most Polluted Sites in US to Become Green Tech Community


hunterspoint-shipyard-vision.jpgA 140-year-old shipyard in San Francisco Bay, left for dead in the early 1970’s as a radioactive wasteland contaminated by heavy metals, is to be reborn as an urban green business and residential district featuring parks and shops as well as a green technology complex to house a United Nations think tank for climate change and sustainable technologies.  

Once the US military’s largest facility for applied nuclear research, the Hunters Point Shipyard has been undergoing a $500-million clean-up of its 417 acres since the early 1990s, spearheaded by the Environmental Protection Agency. 

Texas Man Brings Hope to Forgotten Disabled Iraqi Kids


Brad Blauser lives in war-torn Baghdad, where he doesn’t earn a paycheck and is thousands of miles from his family. But he has no intention of leaving anytime soon.

For the past four years, the Dallas, Texas, native has been providing hope to hundreds of disabled Iraqi children and their families through the distribution of pediatric wheelchairs.

Since 2005, Brad Blauser’s Wheelchairs for Iraqi Kids program has distributed nearly 650 free wheelchairs.

(WATCH the video below – or READ the story from CNN Heroes)

New Vaccine Could Save Bees from Colony Collapse Disorder


bee-colony.jpg An Israeli company has developed a revolutionary new drug that could solve the problem of Colony Collapse Disorder, the disturbing syndrome that has been wiping out bee communities and threatening agricultural production all over the world.

The drug, Remembee, which was developed by Beeologics, has completed successful clinical trials on millions of bees in North America. Not only has it proved effective in maintaining bee health, but it also improved the longevity of bees and increased the honey in the hives.

Based on Nobel prize-winning RNAI technology, Remembee helps the bees overcome IAVP virus, also discovered in Israel, which has been associated with colony collapse in scientific literature.

“It’s really a tug of war between the virus and the host. We are helping the bee tug the rope more strongly and beat the virus. We take advantage of an immune system that the bees elicit for viral disease. But we are really using naturally occurring phenomenon. It’s not a pesticide and it’s not toxic,” says Nitzan Paldi, CTO of Beeologics.

The US Department of Agriculture has been accompanying Beeologics with its FDA certification process due to the urgency of the need for the drug.

Thanks to Israel 21c for the story. Watch their video report below…

For 13th Year, Bar Owner Brings City Kids to Frolic on the Beach


black-boy-jumping.jpgEvery summer, a white Washington, D.C. bar owner brings a mix of 40 city kids to his home on the Delaware shore, to frolic in the ocean, go motor-boating and trap blue crabs — a generous impulse that has become a tradition.

The beach makes street-tough kids drop their defenses and act like children again, playing in the waves, reaching for a grown-up’s hand.

(Continue reading and see lovely photos in the Washington Post)

Photo courtesy of Sun Star 



Homebuyer Credit Makes August Hot For Home Sales


8000-tax-credit.jpgJust like the “Cash for Clunkers” program that helped the auto industry, the homebuyer tax credit is helping turn around the housing market. The National Association of Realtors said last week that the number of contracts to buy previously owned homes rose in June for a fifth straight month.

They point to an $8,000 tax credit for first-time homebuyers, which Congress decided to create in February, as “having a big impact.”

(Continue reading or listen to the story at NPR)

GM Plans to Launch Plug-in Hybrid SUV in 2011


chevy-equinox.jpgGeneral Motors Co.’s product development chief says the company will introduce a plug-in rechargeable midsize sport utility vehicle sometime in 2011.

The new vehicle, to be added to its Buick line, will be about the size of a Chevy Equinox SUV, right, but get double the city gas mileage with the help of an electric motor alongside the traditional one.

(Read more from AP in Seattle Times)

Chicago Murder Rate Drops 11 Percent This Year

cop hat

cop-hat.jpgChicago Police Supt. Jody Weis on Friday hailed an 11 percent drop in homicides and a 9 percent dip in all crimes during the first seven months of 2009 as a “very encouraging” sign that his department’s strategies are working.

(Continue reading in Chicago Sun-Times)

Integrating Spirituality Into Therapy: A Mental Health Minute


elderly-with-dove-sun.jpgAlthough the term “spirituality” can refer to religious activity (attending formal worship services or believing in God), it can also describe a commitment to anything greater than oneself, including helping others or being attuned to nature. People can express spirituality through prayer, meditation, community service, or being mindful while hiking in the forest.
A therapist can reap benefits by encouraging a patient’s spirituality. One example is in the case of bereavement. If a person has a religious or spiritual belief in a higher power, the therapist can help them approach issues of grief from this vantage point. The therapist may help the client to process his or her belief that the deceased person still lives on. Even if the client does not believe in a higher power, the therapist can help them to think of ways in which the deceased person lives on through especially fond memories.

Hotels Offer Free Bikes as a Green Way to see the Sights


bixi-bike-montreal.jpgAn increasing number of trendy hotels across North America, Europe and Asia are offering guests free use of bikes during their stay, as a fun and green way to explore the city.

“The bikes are hugely popular and are usually out all day in the spring and summer months,” said one hotel manager.

(Continue reading in the Toronto Star) 

Senate Confirms Faith-Filled Scientist as New NIH Director


francis_collins-genome.jpgIn a unanimous vote, the Senate on Friday confirmed Dr. Francis Collins, a scientist who helped unravel the human genetic code, as director of the National Institutes of Health. (USA Today)

Collins may be most widely known for his 2007 best-selling book, “The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief.” The book examines and rejects creationism and intelligent design, in favor of theistic evolution, and describes scientific discovery an “opportunity to worship.”

Collins led the Human Genome Project that mapped the genetic code and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award.  Collins’s commitment to free, rapid access to genomic information helped to make all data immediately available to the worldwide scientific community, according to Wikipedia.

Watch this charming YouTube video of Dr. Collins singing his message to graduating college students at the University of Michigan.

(Thanks to G. Davenport for submitting the link!)

The Most Honest Town in America


victorian-home-cbs.jpgThere’s no need to lock your doors on the southern shore of Lake Erie in the tiny town of Lakeside, Ohio. Unlike almost every other place in America, people still actually trust one another. In most of the town’s stores money is exchanged on the honor system. Bikes are rented without the need for any credit cards or drivers’ licenses.

“If you expect the best of people, that’s what you are going to receive,” says the owner of the bike shop.

Even in the candy shop, a handwritten note encourages children to make their own change from a jar of cash.

Read the inspiring story from Steve Hartman, or watch the video below –or at CBS News.

Kleenex Maker Joins Greenpeace to Reduce Use of Old-Growth Timber

boreal forest in British Columbia

boreal-forest-bc-gov.jpgPaper products giant Kimberly-Clark joined forces with Greenpeace on Wednesday, pledging to conserve forests by getting wood fiber from environmentally responsible sources and using more recycled fiber.

Greenpeace activists had waged a nearly 5-year campaign against the maker of Kleenex and Cottonelle for clear-cutting in Canada’s ancient boreal forest, part of the world’s largest intact forest.

(Read more in Reuters)

Mission for LA Priest: Saving Flock from Foreclosure


blue-catholic-door.jpgA Roman Catholic parish in California has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the nation — one in nine homes is in default. Now, a priest, Rev. John Lasseigne, has made it his sacred mission to negotiate with banks and lenders on behalf of his flock.

Luckily, he is qualified. “Before entering the seminary, he graduated from law school and knew how to read contracts,” reports the AP.

(Read the story in WTOP News) 

Endangered Kashmir Deer in Comeback as Violence Dips


kashmir-stag-cclic.jpgAn endangered species of red deer found only in Kashmir has made a rapid comeback in the past year due to a decline in violence and conservation efforts, wildlife officials said on Tuesday.

Known for its magnificent antlers with 11 to 16 points, the State Animal of Kashmir once numbered about 5,000 animals in the beginning of the 20th century but dwindled to as low as 150 deer by 1970. The population of the hangul, also known as the Kashmir stag, increased by more than 50% in one year.

(Read the good news in Reuters)

(Photo, Kashmir Stag: Free Creative Commons license)

Israeli Defense Minister Urges Acceptance of Coming US Peace Plan


palestinianflag.jpgIsraeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday the United States would present a Middle East peace plan within weeks and Israel should accept it.

“I believe that Israel must take the lead in accepting the plan,”  he was quoted as saying.

(Continue reading at Reuters)

Special Hospital Saves 1000 Sea Turtles (Video)

hawksbill sea turtle

hawksbill.jpg Most injured turtles are never spotted, and die at sea. The lucky ones are taken to the Turtle Hospital in the Florida Keys, where a former Volkswagen mechanic performs surgery, massage and rehabilitation on the lumbering giants.

This one-of-a-kind facility has saved and reintroduced into the sea 1,000 turtles, after treating them for tumors, injured limbs and even spinal injuries.

Watch the amazing video below… (or, at Clip Syndicate)


How is the Stimulus Working Out?


obama-townhall-flag.jpgPresident Obama announced Wednesday that the stimulus is now providing $2.4 billion in taxpayer grants to create electric cars and tens of thousands of jobs, including more than one billion in grants to Michigan for the manufacturing of advanced batteries and green vehicles.

48 projects receiving funds through the Recovery Act, were selected through a competitive process by the Department of Energy.

The president, speaking to citizens of Elkhart, Indiana who have been hit particularly hard as manufacturing jobs have disappeared, said this new investment provides $39 million for local company Navistar to create or save hundreds of jobs in the Indiana city.

“I’m committed to a strategy that ensures America leads in the design and the deployment of the next generation of clean-energy vehicles. This is not just an investment to produce vehicles today; but an investment in our capacity to develop new technologies tomorrow.”

Colorado Solar Plant Generates Jobs and Energy

solar array

solar-array.jpgSecretary of Interior Ken Salazar met with workers at an innovative solar panel company in Longmont, CO that has created more than 200 ‘green jobs’ in two years and expects to double employment by next year.

“Abound Solar and hundreds of renewable energy companies are sprouting up across the nation,” Secretary Salazar said.

“The President’s energy policy is jump-starting the creation of cutting-edge firms that together will generate millions of jobs, restore America’s role as a global leader in the clean energy industry, reduce our dependence on foreign oil, and cut carbon pollution.”

(Continue reading at