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Israeli Man Funds Tennis for Arab Youth, Promotes Co-existence

Jews and Arabs play tennis in Israel -Freddie Krivine Foundation

Jews and Arabs play tennis in Israel -Freddie Krivine Foundation

An Israeli tennis enthusiast noticed in the 1990s that very few Arabs living in Israel had any chance to play his beloved sport.

He dreamed that a tennis court could provide a common ground between Jews and Arabs and Christians alike, promoting co-existence, equality and self esteem.

Freddie Krivine - Foundation PhotoSo, in 1998 he created the Freddie Krivine Foundation which has built or supported tennis courts and programs in nine Arab neighborhoods, like Nazareth and Haifa, all across Israel.

He believed it was important to create facilities in their own communities so children could play on their own time, rather than piling into buses and driving to a centralized tennis center. Besides creating and maintaining courts, the foundation highly subsidizes tennis lessons, and trains and promotes coaching.

One of the foundation’s stars is Ruan Zubidate, a Bedouin who became the top female Arab tennis player in Israel.

After Freddie died at age 84, his daughter Jane took over as director. But, the main emphasis is still to introduce Israeli Arab children to tennis, and through tennis to introduce Jewish and Arab chidren to each other.

Every year the Foundation runs inter-school tennis programs for Arab and Jewish children to train and play together. Coaching, social outings and sporting opportunities are all designed to build self-esteem, break down barriers and foster understanding. Mixed Arab and Jewish teams of talented players go on to more intensive coaching and play junior tournaments together.

Freddie will be remembered for his noble work bringing Arabs and Jews together during the 2nd annual Akko Open women’s international tennis tournament in October. The fact that the tournament is staged at the newly-opened Israel Tennis Centre in the Jewish/Arab town of Akko is a fulfillment of another of Freddie’s dreams.

(WATCH the video below)

Successful Family Steps In to Help Struggling Immigrants Hold Onto American Dream


Hidalgo family portrait - MSNBC videoA Florida family caught in an economic vise: parents who lost their jobs, a home in foreclosure, two teenagers wondering if they’d be able to stay in Florida, not knowing if they’d graduate with their friends

With tears streaming down her face, 15-year-old Gavi described how hard it is to be dealing with so much stress.

Thirteen hundred miles away, when another American family saw the NBC report on television, they were deeply affected by what they saw.

John Vann, his immigrant wife and two grown children decided as a family to reach out. They wanted to help.

Successful Family Steps In to Help Struggling Immigrants Hold Onto American Dream


Hidalgo family portrait - MSNBC videoA Florida family caught in an economic vise: parents who lost their jobs, a home in foreclosure, two teenagers wondering if they’d be able to stay in Florida, not knowing if they’d graduate with their friends

With tears streaming down her face, 15-year-old Gavi described how hard it is to be dealing with so much stress.

Thirteen hundred miles away, when another American family saw the NBC report on television, they were deeply affected by what they saw.

John Vann, his immigrant wife and two grown children decided as a family to reach out. They wanted to help.

Solar Jobs Remain Sunny Spot in U.S. Employment Market

solar roof installed in Hawaii

solar roof installed in HawaiiWith the U.S. jobs growth numbers dismal this summer, the solar industry has proven to be a sunny spot of growth. Preliminary results of a new study from The Solar Foundation show that the solar industry continues to add jobs.

The solar industry employed 100,237 people as of August 2011. That’s up 6.8 percent over last year, when it employed roughly 93,000 workers. Since then, across all states and sectors of the industry, it’s added 6,735 new jobs.

Woman Gives Birth on Flight From Asia to San Francisco

newborn baby (file photo)

baby born inflight - ABC video clipA new mom and her child are resting comfortably in the hospital after giving birth 35,000 feet up on a flight from the Philippines to San Francisco.

A flight attendant helped her to a private area in the upper deck as a call went out looking for nurses onboard. Three responded and worked together as an amazing team.

Seniors Gain YouTube Fame In Accidental Webcam Video


elderly-couple-accidental-webcamAn elderly Oregon couple gained unexpected fame after a webcam accidentally recorded the two while they tried to figure out their new computer. Their granddaughter posted the three-minute video clip, entitled “Webcam 101 for Seniors….” on YouTube.

Its shows Mrs. Esther Huffman attempting to use the webcam on their new computer while her husband goofed off, sang songs, and soothed her eventual frustration. The accidental video has gone viral with 7 million viewers since Aug. 21.

(WATCH the video below)

NYC Murder Rate Declined 74% in 18 Years

The New York City murder rate for the first half of 2011 declined 8.8 percent compared to the same period last year. The 2011 murder rate is also 22.5 percent lower than in 2001 and 74.9 percent lower than in 1993. – Reuters News

Online Gamers Crack AIDS Enzyme Puzzle

video gaming by mzacha-morguefile

video gaming by mzacha via morguefile.comOnline gamers have achieved a feat beyond the realm of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons: they have deciphered the structure of an enzyme of an AIDS-like virus that had thwarted scientists for a decade.

Developed in 2008 by the University of Washington, Foldit is a fun-for-purpose video game in which gamers, divided into competing groups, compete to unfold chains of amino acids — the building blocks of proteins — using a set of online tools.

30 Gifts for 30 Strangers: A Thank You to Australia

Brazilian gives 30 gifts to 30 Aussie strangers

Brazilian gives 30 gifts to 30 Aussie strangersLucas Jatoba was a Brazilian searching for a way to celebrate his 30th birthday.

Since his move to Australia, however, he says “a lot of beautiful things happened in my life,” so he decided to honor his birthday by showing gratitude to the people of Sydney.

His friends helped him amass and wrap thirty presents to give to strangers. From a rugby ball and skateboard, to massage certificate and champagne, to a teddy bear and huge penguin, Lucas focused on fun and relaxation.

Once engaged in the project, his friends happily shot video of Lucas delivering the gifts to strangers throughout the city’s parks and plazas.

“Thank you to everyone who lives in Australia,” he wrote on his blog. “You make this country such a wonderful place.”

WATCH the video below…

30 Gifts for 30 Strangers: A Thank You to Australia

Brazilian gives 30 gifts to 30 Aussie strangers

Brazilian gives 30 gifts to 30 Aussie strangersLucas Jatoba was a Brazilian searching for a way to celebrate his 30th birthday.

Since his move to Australia, however, he says “a lot of beautiful things happened in my life,” so he decided to honor his birthday by showing gratitude to the people of Sydney.

His friends helped him amass and wrap thirty presents to give to strangers. From a rugby ball and skateboard, to massage certificate and champagne, to a teddy bear and huge penguin, Lucas focused on fun and relaxation.

Once engaged in the project, his friends happily shot video of Lucas delivering the gifts to strangers throughout the city’s parks and plazas.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy is Now Military History

Admiral Mullen, a proponent of the repeal, at signing ceremony

Admiral Mullen, a proponent of the repeal, at signing ceremony

Today, the 1993 law known as ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ is formally history, repealed by Congress and sealed by President Obama in December, and finally deactivated by the Pentagon today.

“As of today, patriotic Americans in uniform will no longer have to lie about who they are in order to serve the country they love,” said the President in a statement.

Waffle House’s Priority: Reopening Quickest After Disasters

Waffle House sign after a storm

Waffle House sign after a stormWaffle House has 1,600 restaurants along Hurricane Alley from the mid-Atlantic to Florida to the Gulf Coast.

After Hurricane Katrina the company lost seven restaurants and 100 more shut down, but those that reopened quickly were swamped with customers.

The company decided to beef up its crisis-management and focused on its ability to open after a disaster using portable generators.

Since then, the company, which spends almost nothing on advertising, has built a marketing strategy around the goodwill gained from being open when customers are most desperate.

US Violent Crime Fell 6% Last Year, Extending a 4-Year Decline


Photo of police scene by Click on morguefile.comDespite economic turmoil in the country, violent crime in the United States declined 6.5% last year, according to statistics released by the FBI today.

The 2010 figures showed a continued decline in violence that began decades ago and has been uninterrupted since 2006.

Figures in 2009 showed a drop of 5.3% in total violent crime from the previous year. From 1997 to 2006, violent crime dropped a total of 13%.

U.S. Violent Crime Fell 6% Last Year, Extending a 4-Year Decline


Photo of police scene by Click on morguefile.comDespite economic turmoil in the country, violent crime in the United States declined 6.5% last year, according to statistics released by the FBI today.

The 2010 figures showed a continued decline in violence that began decades ago and has been uninterrupted since 2006.

Figures in 2009 showed a drop of 5.3% in total violent crime from the previous year. From 1997 to 2006, violent crime dropped a total of 13%.

Join Thousands Converging on National Parks for Free Admission Saturday

Natl Public Lands Day photo contest winner

Natl Public Lands Day photo contest winnerFree admission for all, and a volunteer spirit to uplift many. That’s what this weekend has in store throughout the US, to honor National Public Lands Day.

On Saturday, Sep. 24th, more than 170,000 Americans will volunteer at parks and beaches across the country building trails, removing invasive plants and picking up trash.

Admission fees into national parks will by waived for the general public that day, a gift from the 100 or so parks that normally charge entrance fees. Volunteers will be given coupons for a second free entry day to any national park or federal public land.

Emmy Awards Show Greener Than Ever

Jane Lynch, Emmy host, photo by Fox

Jane Lynch, Emmy host, photo by FoxHollywood’s red carpet event Sunday was greener than ever, meeting Fox’s goal for neutralizing the carbon footprint of the 63rd annual Primetime Emmy Awards.

To start, TV stars walked a locally-produced carpet made from 25,000 feet of recycled material, illuminated by solar-powered, energy-saving LED and fluorescent lighting.

Judge Blocks Florida Law Gagging Doctors’ Gun Talk


gavelA U.S. federal judge on Wednesday blocked a Florida law limiting what doctors can say about guns to their patients, saying it violated free speech protections under the U.S. Constitution.

U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke granted a preliminary injunction preventing the state from enforcing the law, which barred doctors from asking whether patients had guns in their homes or discussions with them about firearms safety.

Cash-strapped California Schools Seek Savings Through Solar

solar panels on school property - CNN video

solar panels on school property - CNN videoCalifornia budget cuts are causing school districts to find ways to save cash. Instead of laying off teachers, some have invested in solar panels to slash their electricity bills by millions of dollars every year.

With the help of low-interest loans, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District, for instance, installed 10,000 photovoltaic panels at five schools.

It is one of 90 districts in the sunny state that have installed solar panels to save money on utilities. After a decade or two, they will actually profit from the solar energy produced there.

(Read the story at CNN)

Lucasfilm Uses ‘The Force’ For Good Launching Cancer Initiative

star wars cancer

star wars cancer Lucasfilm is teaming up with a celebrity campaign, Stand Up To Cancer, to raise money for cancer research during its launch of the new Blu-ray release of Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Movie fans can “Use the Force for Good” by buying specially designed tee shirts, bidding on unique auction items from the Star Wars set, and watching a video with Hollywood actors, like Seth Rogen, Zach Galifianakis, and Samuel Jackson, making fun of their favorite Star Wars scenes.

The campaign launched with its comedian-studded video this week (watch below) to encourage fans to join Lucasfilm in donating to Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C).

Star Wars Uses ‘The Force’ For Good Launching Cancer Initiative

star wars cancer

star wars cancer Lucasfilm is teaming up with a celebrity campaign, Stand Up To Cancer, to raise money for cancer research during its launch of the new Blu-ray release of Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Movie fans can “Use the Force for Good” by buying specially designed tee shirts, bidding on unique auction items from the Star Wars set, and watching a video with Hollywood actors, like Seth Rogen, Zach Galifianakis, and Samuel Jackson, making fun of their favorite Star Wars scenes.

The campaign launched with its comedian-studded video this week (watch below) to encourage fans to join Lucasfilm in donating to Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C).