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Community Steps Up to Save Pizzeria After Owner Sends Email

pizza maker cuts pie at Nick's

pizza maker cuts pie at Nick'sNick’s Pizza is an Illinois eatery where families bring the kids and you can throw peanut shells on the floor.

When Nick’s announced it was facing foreclosure, people rallied.

They came in by the hundreds to buy pizza and show support for the beloved community pizzeria.

15 U.S. Companies Hiring in October

job classified ads - Kevin P. via Morguefile

help wanted classifieds, image by Kevin P - morguefile.comFall can actually be one of the best times to look for work. By October, most companies have regained speed after the summer lull, and need to do their hiring before the holiday vacation season begins in late November.

Looking for a job? It’s time to kick your search into high gear. To give you a jump start, here’s a list of 15 companies that are hiring new employees this month.

Gene Therapy Cures HIV in Patient

vaccine jarsAn early stage trial of an HIV treatment found that the gene therapy reduced levels of the virus and even eliminated it in one patient with a naturally occurring gene mutation.

If shown to be safe and effective, the treatment could end the need for the antiretroviral drugs now used to keep the virus that causes AIDS in check by suppressing viral replication in the blood.

In a September 19 statement from the University of Pennsylvania, the lead researcher said the tiny study could be the first step to a “functional cure” for AIDS.

Frito-Lay Just Opened “Greenest Manufacturing Facility In the US”

solar rooftop at Frito Lay plant

solar rooftop at Frito Lay plant

Frito-Lay, best known for its snack chips, achieved their “most ambitious sustainability project to-date” with the reopening of an Arizona plant the company calls the “greenest manufacturing facility in the U.S.”

Its goal was to transform the existing facility in Casa Grande to reach a “near net zero” energy and waste footprint so that it would be as far “off the grid” as possible and run primarily on renewable energy sources and recycled water, while producing nearly zero landfill waste.

Frito-Lay invested in a combination of technologies to enable the Casa Grande plant to significantly reduce the use of key natural resources and reduce the site’s overall environmental impact. The facility is now generating 2/3 of all energy used from renewable sources and is working toward further reductions in water and natural gas usage, as well. It also became the first existing food manufacturing site to achieve LEED Existing Building Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Building Council.

Water Reduction:  The Casa Grande facility installed a water recovery and reuse system that uses Low-Pressure Reverse Osmosis technologies to recycle from 50% to 75% of water, resulting in water pure enough for drinking.

Electricity Reduction:  Five separate solar photovoltaic systems installed throughout the property, produce nearly 10 million kilowatt-hours of electrical power. Two fields of 18,000 tracking solar panels were installed on 36 acres of the facility’s agriculture property. All available rooftops are covered, including the parking lot.

Natural Gas Reduction:  The newly installed 60,000 pounds per hour biomass boiler, which burns wood and agricultural waste as its energy source, will produce all the steam needed for the manufacturing plant and will reduce natural gas usage by over 80%.

Zero Landfill:  As of 2010, the Casa Grande facility sends less than 1% of its overall waste to landfill through extensive recycling and using food waste for cattle feed.

Water reuse recycle vat - Frito-Lay photo“As a company that relies on key natural resources like water and fuel, Frito-Lay has developed strategies to ensure our business remains sustainable, even if there are constraints on those resources,” explains Al Carey, past CEO and president, Frito-Lay North America. “Frito-Lay and its parent, PepsiCo, are committed to finding innovative solutions that are right for the business and right for the environment. The ‘near net zero’ project is an industry-leading example of how the two successfully intersect.”

Moving forward, Frito-Lay wants to transfer what works at the Casa Grande plant  to its 32 other facilities “where appropriate”. Every Frito-Lay plant is identifying projects and approaches to get closer to “near net zero” and to significantly reduce its environmental footprint.

For more than a decade, the company has nearly reached or exceeded its aggressive conservation goals, based on 1999 levels, to reduce water use by 50%; natural gas by 30%; and electricity by 25%. In addition, the company created an environmental strategy for its fleet to reduce fuel use by 50% by 2020.

Frito-Lay Casa Grande has been part of the Pinal County community for more than 25 years employing more than 350 people to make Lay’s and Ruffles potato chips, Fritos corn chips, Tostitos, Doritos, and more.

Frito-Lay Just Opened “Greenest Manufacturing Facility In the US”

solar rooftop at Frito Lay plant

solar rooftop at Frito Lay plant

Frito-Lay, best known for its snack chips, achieved their “most ambitious sustainability project to-date” with the reopening of an Arizona plant the company calls the “greenest manufacturing facility in the U.S.”

Its goal was to transform the existing facility in Casa Grande to reach a “near net zero” energy and waste footprint so that it would be as far “off the grid” as possible and run primarily on renewable energy sources and recycled water, while producing nearly zero landfill waste.

Yoga Helps Addicts, Homeless Find Peace (Video)

yoga in NYC helps addicts-CNN video

yoga in NYC helps addicts-CNN videoOn the Lower East Side in New York City, Sylvia Rascon treats people overcoming trauma by helping them to find balance in their lives.

One of the participants, Dorila Morales, struggled with domestic abuse and drug addiction. For her, yoga is not just exercise. It is an integral part of her life. Dorila said she’s watched the people in the class change. They let go of their anger and fear, and smile again.

Beatle Paul McCartney Weds Nancy Shevell (Video)

Mccartney weds for third time

Mccartney weds for third timeSir Paul McCartney married U.S. businesswoman Nancy Shevell in London yesterday in a small civil ceremony at the same courthouse where he wed his first wife, Linda.

Ringo Starr was one of the guests at a reception following the ceremony at McCartney’s London home.

Stella McCartney designed Nancy’s short, simple dress.

Beatle Paul McCartney Weds Nancy Shevell (Video)

Mccartney weds for third time

Mccartney weds for third timeSir Paul McCartney married U.S. businesswoman Nancy Shevell in London yesterday in a small civil ceremony at the same courthouse where he wed his first wife, Linda.

Ringo Starr was one of the guests at a reception following the ceremony at McCartney’s London home.

Stella McCartney designed Nancy’s short, simple dress.

Occupy Boston Participants Reach Out to Homeless

food donation

food donationThe growing but leaderless Boston spinoff of Occupy Wall Street dropped excess food and clothing at a homeless shelter Friday.

The sheer volume of donated goods delivered to the site where protesters are now living has caused members to share the donations with the homeless.

103,000 New Jobs Created in September is More Than Expected

photo of businessmen by Michael Connors via Morguefile

business people photo by Michael Connors via Morguefile.comThe US economy added some 103,000 new jobs last month, a gain that eased concerns that the nation may be slipping into another recession.

What’s more, the reports last month of zero net job growth, were wrong.

New revisions showed 99,000 more jobs added in July and August than initially reported.

90,000 of them were created in the service-providing sectors, like education, healthcare, business and leisure services.

Homecoming Queen Kicks Winning Field Goal (w/ Video)

Homecoming queen is football star, too - Fox video clip

Homecoming queen is football star, too - Fox video clipLast Friday, Brianna Amat, the first girl to make the varsity football team at her high school in Michigan, was called onto the field during halftime — while she was still in her uniform — and crowned Homecoming Queen. Less than an hour later, she made a 31-yard field goal, helping her team win the game 9-7.

“They’ve been so accepting of me, it’s as if I’ve always been their teammate,” she explained.

(WATCH the Fox video below, and READ the story in the NY Times)

Homecoming Queen Kicks Winning Field Goal (w/ Video)

Homecoming queen is football star, too - Fox video clip

Homecoming queen is football star, too - Fox video clipLast Friday, Brianna Amat, the first girl to make the varsity football team at her high school in Michigan, was called onto the field during halftime — while she was still in her uniform — and crowned Homecoming Queen. Less than an hour later, she made a 31-yard field goal, helping her team win the game 9-7.

10 Tips from College Admissions Officers

Georgia Tech

Georgia TechBetween studying for the SATs, crafting the perfect application essay and, of course, figuring out how to pay for tuition, college prep can be tough on both teens and their families.

Here’s the inside scoop from admissions officers across the country on ways students can improve their odds during the application process. From scheduling interviews to applying early action, here ate 10 tips from the people who decide who’s in — and who’s not.

New Muppet on Sesame Street Struggles With Hunger

Muppet Lily is face of poverty

Muppet Lily is face of povertyNot since the cute, yellow HIV-positive Muppet premiered in 2009 on Sesame Street in South Africa has a new character from the Workshop taken such a lead role in educating kids about a societal woe.

The furry 7-year-old girl named Lily, will appear first tonight on an hour-long PBS special to raise awareness of the issue of hunger in America. Growing Hope Against Hunger, produced by Sesame Workshop, will star Brad Paisley and the Muppet gang and air nationwide at 7:00 PM ET/ PT.

The TV special presents Lily’s family as one that deals with hunger but also grows stronger in the process. Lily organizes a food drive for the pantry after it provides them with groceries.

Racer Saves Competitor From Burning Car

Car race fire screenshot

Car race fire screenshotAn Oklahoma race car driver is being hailed as a hero after pulling a fellow racer from his burning car. It happened Saturday night at the Stock Car Nationals in Oklahoma.

As soon as racer Kip Hughes saw another driver spin out of control and his vehicle burst into flames, he jumped out of his car to help get Terry Muskrat to safety, tearing away the protective window net and pulling Muskrat from the car.

Racer Saves Competitor From Burning Car

Car race fire screenshot

Car race fire screenshotAn Oklahoma race car driver is being hailed as a hero after pulling a fellow racer from his burning car. It happened Saturday night at the Stock Car Nationals in Oklahoma.

As soon as racer Kip Hughes saw another driver spin out of control and his vehicle burst into flames, he jumped out of his car to help get Terry Muskrat to safety, tearing away the protective window net and pulling Muskrat from the car.

Crossing Guard Jumps in Front of SUV to Save Child

crossing school sign- by jdurham Morguefile

crossing school sign- by jdurham MorguefileA substitute crossing guard helping elementary kids stay safe at a San Anselmo school dove in front of a moving car to save a young boy from being hit.

Jeff James, with his stop sign waving, “hit the ground in a tuck-and-roll move, landing his 6-foot, 3-inch, 265-pound body directly in front of the SUV’s tires.”

$800 Million Kansas Wind Farm Set for 2012

wind turbines at Victorville prison - CA

wind turbines at Victorville prison - CABP announced plans on Monday to build an $800 million wind farm in Kansas next year, providing a lift for the US wind power industry at a time when the expiration date looms for federal tax credits.

The 419-megawatt wind farm will include 262 General Electric turbines placed 43 miles from Wichita, in what will be the largest installation for both the state and BP Wind Energy.

Both Love Me (No Matter What) Divine God and Canine Mutt

Dog and God by Wendy J Francisco

Dog and God by Wendy J FranciscoA beautiful, short video written, performed and animated by Wendy J. Francisco.

With this simple piece of wisdom turned into poetry, Wendy has racked up 3 million hits on YouTube in two years.

The God and Dog book is also available for sale.

Strong Consumer Sales and Big-Ticket Purchases for Businesses


business graphic upConsumers ignored the scary headlines and handwringing and went clothes shopping anyway in September, creating solid sales gains for the nation’s biggest retailers.

Overall, chain-store sales rose 5.5% and luxury sales climbed 10.4%.

Another positive economic report this week showed businesses ordering more big-ticket items in August. If you

Businesses ordered more computers, communications equipment, and other big-ticket items in August, a hopeful sign for the slumping economy. Orders for capital goods, which are considered a good measure of business investment plans, rose 0.9 per cent in August, the Commerce Department said Tuesday. It was the second gain in three months.

(READ the AP story in Seattle P-I)