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Cell Phone Use May Fight Alzheimer’s: Mice Study


tennis oldstersAfter years of speculation that cell phones may harm your brain, new research suggests they may actually fight Alzheimer’s disease.

Microwave radiation from cell phones may protect against and even reverse Alzheimer’s-like symptoms, according to a new study involving genetically tweaked mice.

Ethiopian Child Mortality, Malnutrition Rates Slashed in Half


kids-against-hungerEthiopia has more than halved its child mortality rates since 1990 through campaigns to increase the number of health workers and clinics throughout the country, government and aid officials said on Friday.

The number of health posts has surged to more than 9,000 in 2011 from a handful in 2004 with priority shifted towards food-insecure areas, UNICEF said.

In other good news for Africa, Kuwait announced this week that it has contributed $250,000 to UNICEF for humanitarian assistance during the continuing food crisis in Somalia.

Speed Bumps You’ll Be Happy To Drive Over

speed bumps New Energy Technologies

speed bumps New Energy TechnologiesNew Energy Technologies has designed some speed bumps that motorists should be happy to drive over. Besides slowing down speed demons, as cars and trucks drive over the company’s MotionPower strips, kinetic energy from the vehicles is harvested and converted into electricity.

The Maryland-based company envision the devices powering street and building lights, roadway signs, and potentially electronics and appliances in homes and buildings.

Haunted by Past, Kazakhstan Shuns Nuclear Bomb

Nagasaki mushroom cloud

Nagasaki mushroom cloudSitting atop the second largest uranium reserves in the world, Kazakhstan has not followed in the former Soviet Union’s footsteps toward military power.

Instead, it is at the forefront of the global movement for a world free of nuclear weapons.

Where test explosions once shook the earth, scientists are now researching peaceful applications for atomic energy.

“Our country decided that the might of our new state would be determined not by our nuclear muscle, but by our total rejection of it,” Nursultan Nazarbayev, who remains president two decades later, said in a recent speech.

The number of nuclear tests worldwide has fallen dramatically in the last decade, during which only North Korea has broken a de facto worldwide moratorium.

(READ the Reuters story in the Daily Times)

Man Searches Through 8 Tons of Trash to Find Wife’s Ring

Wedding photo is faded but their love remains

Wedding photo is faded but their love remainsWhat if you accidentally dumped something in the trash bin that was worth $10,000?

Would you swim in a pile of waste to find it?

After he mistakenly tossed out his wife’s engagement ring, one husband didn’t think twice.

Luckily for Brian McGuinn, he found the diamond among 8 tons of trash.

Brain Training for Parkinson’s Patients Hailed as a Breakthrough

brainEarly symptoms of Parkinson’s disease may be improved by teaching patients to regulate their brains, a study suggests.

Scientists allowed a small group of patients to monitor magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of their own brain activity as they carried out a finger-tapping task.

After a time they learned to alter activity in specific parts of the brain affected by Parkinson’s.

Arab League Votes to Suspend Syria After Violence

Al-Assad Bashar Syria

Al-Assad Bashar SyriaIn a stinging rebuke to President Bashar Assad, the Arab League voted Saturday to suspend Syria’s membership if his government does not take steps within four days to implement a peace plan designed to end months of unrest that has led to hundreds of deaths.

The 22-member league warned that Syria will face further sanctions if they do not withdraw armed forces from populated areas, release political prisoners and begin a dialogue with opponents.

‘Dog Bless You’ Donates 11 Therapy Dogs to Troubled Vets for Veterans Day

Veterans Day Dog Bless You

Veterans Day Dog Bless YouTo honor veterans and their commitment to service in the face of sacrifice, Dog Bless You, will donate 11 service dogs to veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Beginning Nov. 11 – Veterans Day – Dog Bless You will give away one dog per day for 11 days, ending Nov. 22.

In just a year since its launch, Dog Bless You has grown to nearly 275,000 members on Facebook backing its multitude of philanthropic projects, like funding the mobilization of search and rescue dogs following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan this spring.

Father’s Homemade Machine Helps Disabled Son to Walk

Boy walks with fathers invention

Boy walks with fathers inventionA seven-year-old Argentine boy has defied doctors’ predictions that he would never walk, with help from a homemade rehabilitation device built by his father.

The first version of the machine designed for Ivo Cardile, who has been severely brain damaged from birth, was built in just a month out of a bicycle and wooden planks.

Gesture of Sportsmanship for Down’s Syndrome Player in SC Football Playoff Game (Video)

HS team lets Downs Syndrome player score

HS team lets Downs Syndrome player scoreWhile headlines swirl around a sports scandal of epic proportions on the college level, a high school football team quietly demonstrated the meaning of kindness during a championship game.

Last Friday, during a South Carolina high school playoff game, a gesture will be remembered for its epic qualities of pure sportsmanship.

The Myrtle Beach Seahawks were leading Hilton Head 64-10 with just a few seconds on the clock. The winning team decided to create an unforgettable moment for a player on the other team with Down’s Syndrome.

Gesture of Sportsmanship for Down’s Syndrome Player in SC Football Playoff Game (Video)

HS team lets Downs Syndrome player score

HS team lets Downs Syndrome player scoreWhile headlines swirl around a sports scandal of epic proportions on the college level, a high school football team quietly demonstrated the meaning of kindness during a championship game.

Last Friday, during a South Carolina high school playoff game, a gesture will be remembered for its epic qualities of pure sportsmanship.

The Myrtle Beach Seahawks were leading Hilton Head 64-10 with just a few seconds on the clock. The winning team decided to create an unforgettable moment for a player on the other team with Down’s Syndrome.

Michelle Obama, Health Companies and Congress All Announce New Plans to Spur Hiring of US Veterans

Michelle Obama with Soldiers - WH photo

Michelle Obama with Soldiers - WH photoJust in time for Veterans Day, a confluence of activity across government and industry is combining to help spur the hiring of soldiers returning from Iraq and Afganistan.

Yesterday President Obama praised the US Senate for passing part of his jobs package, the legislation that will create tax breaks for businesses that hire veterans.  The bill will give tax credits of up to $9,600 to companies hiring disabled vets and improve job training and counseling for veterans. Read the full story from NPR News.

Also yesterday, First lady Michelle Obama announced that U.S. business has pledged to hire 100,000 veterans and military spouses by 2014, and she made a personal vow not to rest until all of the country’s 859,000 unemployed veterans have found work. Companies such as UPS, Microsoft, Home Depot and Citi are examples of businesses participating in the campaign, which Mrs. Obama and Dr. Jill Biden created, called Joining Forces. See more details at ABC News.

American Surfer Sets World Record, Riding 90-Foot Tall Wave (Video)

Seashore of Portugal site of Historic surfing run

Seashore of Portugal site of Historic surfing runGarrett McNamara just broke the world record for largest wave surfed by successfully navigating a 90-foot wall of watery death.

The Hawaiian resident and pro surfer conquered the nine-story wave outside the Portugal town of Nazare, breaking the previous record—77 feet—set by Mike Parsons in 2008.

American Surfer Sets World Record, Riding 90-Foot Tall Wave (Video)

Seashore of Portugal site of Historic surfing run

Seashore of Portugal site of Historic surfing runGarrett McNamara just broke the world record for largest wave surfed by successfully navigating a 90-foot wall of watery death.

The Hawaiian resident and pro surfer conquered the nine-story wave outside the Portugal town of Nazare, breaking the previous record—77 feet—set by Mike Parsons in 2008.

Net Neutrality Rule Survives Attempt at Repeal in US Senate

Capitol in November Mall side

US Capitol in NovemberSenate Democrats on Thursday turned back an attempt to repeal federal rules designed to prevent Internet service providers from discriminating against those who send content and other services over their networks.

The rule under attack requires broadband providers to let subscribers access all legal online content and prohibit wireless carriers from blocking access to any websites or competing services, such as Netflix or Skype, which require more bandwidth.

Low-Income Families Offered Cheap Broadband, PCs by US Providers

computer screen - by Mr Write via Morguefile

computer screen - by Mr Write via MorguefileMany U.S. cable providers will offer broadband service for $9.95 a month and an e-recycler will offer $150 PCs and laptops to low-income families in an effort to bring the benefits of broadband to more people across the country.

Members of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association including Comcast, Cox Communications, Time Warner and Cablevision, will offer the discounted broadband service, without installation fees or modem rental fees, the organization announced Wednesday. E-recycler Redemtech will offer refurbished PCs and laptops for $150, plus sales tax.

Device That Generates Cheap Energy Continues to Delight, Stump Scientists [Updated]

Cold fusion Flickr cc-licensed jmayer

Cold fusion Flickr cc-licensed jmayerItalian inventor Andrea Rossi and Emeritus Professor Dr. Sergio Focardi (Physics University Bologna) have worked together for two years to bring the first iteration of a new energy source to the public. Referred to as Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, this type of operation produces sustainable energy with no nuclear radiation, dangerous chemicals or pollution.

On October 28th Rossi/Focardi demonstrated the operation of a 1 megawatt “reactor” that ran on its own power for nearly 5 hours. The prototype reactor, called the E-Cat, was then sold to an anonymous customer for an undisclosed price. Rossi claims he will begin manufacturing reactors immediately and has apparently sold two or more.

Device That Generates Cheap Energy Continues to Delight, Stump Scientists [Updated]

Cold fusion Flickr cc-licensed jmayer

Cold fusion Flickr cc-licensed jmayerItalian inventor Andrea Rossi and Emeritus Professor Dr. Sergio Focardi (Physics University Bologna) have worked together for two years to bring the first iteration of a new energy source to the public. Referred to as Low Energy Nuclear Reaction, this type of operation produces sustainable energy with no nuclear radiation, dangerous chemicals or pollution.  

On October 28th Rossi/Focardi demonstrated the operation of a 1 megawatt “reactor” that ran on its own power for nearly 5 hours. The prototype reactor, called the E-Cat, was then sold to an anonymous customer for an undisclosed price. Rossi claims he will begin manufacturing reactors immediately and has apparently sold two or more.

Wish Upon a Hero to Distribute $500,000 to Veterans in Need

military donations from Wish Upon A Hero

military donations from Wish Upon A Hero Starting on Veterans Day, the Wish Upon a Hero Foundation will give away more than $500,000 to assist active duty military, veterans, and their families.

Public service announcements launched on TV stations nationwide will encourage military families in need to post wishes on the Wish Upon a Hero website, the online giving platform where anyone can post a wish and anyone can fulfill one.

In 2011, WUAHF partnered with the Hike for Our Heroes campaign, led by Iraq War veteran Troy Yocum, and raised more than $500,000 via Yocum’s 18-month, 7,800-mile journey across America. With the generosity of thousands of Americans and businesses, the money is ready to ease the burden for military families who need assistance with medical, educational and everyday living expenses.

“With more troops returning from Iraq, this is a critical time,” says Wish Upon a Hero Founder Dave Girgenti. “We need to rally behind these brave men and women in every way possible.”

Girgenti, a New Jersey creative director at an advertising firm, started his non-profit organization following the terrorist attacks of September 11th and the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. Communities and individuals helped each other during those difficult times. Girgenti envisioned creating a platform where anyone can post a wish, and everyone can be a hero.

WATCH the PSA video here:

Wish Upon a Hero to Distribute $500,000 to Veterans in Need

military donations from Wish Upon A Hero

military donations from Wish Upon A Hero Starting on Veterans Day, the Wish Upon a Hero Foundation will give away more than $500,000 to assist active duty military, veterans, and their families.

Public service announcements launched on TV stations nationwide will encourage military families in need to post wishes on the Wish Upon a Hero website, the online giving platform where anyone can post a wish and anyone can fulfill one.