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Photographers Offer Hope to Homeless Kids

Photo charity Pictures of Hope

Photo charity Pictures of HopeAided by a grant from Chevrolet, a professional photographer is helping homeless children visualize their dreams through the lens of a camera.

“Pictures of Hope” founded by Linda Solomon will travel to ten homeless shelters in ten cities this year.

During each session, Solomon teaches a basic photo class. At the conclusion of the tutorial, the children are surprised with cameras and given their first photo assignment as young photojournalists: capture their “hopes and dreams” on film.

“When you show children that you care about what they wish for in life, perhaps a child who never felt he or she had self worth, now will,” says Linda Solomon.

The children in all ten cities are ages 6-13 and will celebrate their “Pictures of Hope” at Meet The Young Artist Receptions during November and December.

The photos became holiday greeting cards, with 100% of the proceeds going to back to the shelters.

(WATCH the videos below – from NBC and CBS) You can read more at Linda’s website.

Photographers Offer Hope to Homeless Kids

Photo charity Pictures of Hope

Photo charity Pictures of HopeAided by a grant from Chevrolet, a professional photographer is helping homeless children visualize their dreams through the lens of a camera.

“Pictures of Hope” founded by Linda Solomon will travel to ten homeless shelters in ten cities this year.

During each session, Solomon teaches a basic photo class. At the conclusion of the tutorial, the children are surprised with cameras and given their first photo assignment as young photojournalists: capture their “hopes and dreams” on film.

“When you show children that you care about what they wish for in life, perhaps a child who never felt he or she had self worth, now will,” says Linda Solomon.

How to Choose an eBook Reader

Kindle eReader

Kindle eReaderIf your looking for help on how to choose ebook reader, here is a buying guide that can help you navigate the many choices.

One of the most important decisions to make is whether to choose an e-Ink display or LCD screen. From there, you can compare prices and other features on this handy chart.

NBA Owners, Players Reach Tentative Deal


basketballAfter nearly two years of bickering, NBA players and owners are back on the same side.

“We want to play basketball,” Commissioner David Stern said.

Come Christmas Day, they should be.

The sides reached a tentative agreement early Saturday to end the 149-day lockout and hope to begin the delayed season with a marquee triple-header Dec. 25.

High-end Jewelry Made From AK-47s, for the Greater Good

Fonderie 47 Cufflinks

Fonderie 47 CufflinksTo combat the devastation caused by illegal assault rifles in Africa’s war zones, founder of Ethos water, Peter Thum, announced this week the launch of Fonderie 47. Based in New York City, Fonderie 47 removes AK47s from war zones and transforms them into rare watches and $32,000 cufflinks.

In partnership with NGOs working in Africa, Fonderie 47 already has destroyed more than 6,000 assault rifles. The sale of each piece of Fonderie 47 jewelry funds the destruction of dozens more assault rifles.

Fonderie 47 sprung from the experiences that founders Peter Thum and John Zapolski had in Africa, where they saw assault rifles in the hands of children and witnessed firsthand the problem of weapons hindering many aspects of development across Africa.

“A transformation is needed to break this cycle of violence in Africa. To this end, we are turning the power of the AK47 against itself,” said Peter Thum, cofounder of Fonderie 47. “Not only do we destroy these weapons, but we invert what they stand for by remaking them into wearable art.”

In collaboration with leading designers, including New York City based jeweler Philip Crangi and Swiss designer Roland Iten, the world’s premiere designer of mechanical luxury for men, Fonderie 47 is creating exceptional handcrafted and limited edition jewelry and accessories.

Fonderie 47’s initial pieces include a limited series of men’s cufflinks, custom-made men’s rings, and hand-made earrings for women. The items currently are sold at private events around the world. Sales of each item, along with donations from individuals and foundations, fund programs to destroy more assault rifles in Africa.

“While we create rare objects, their true value emanates from the principles, purpose, ideas, and skill that go into them. The pieces are not merely beautiful – they have real impact on the world. To us, that is the measure of an object’s – and a person’s – character,” said Peter Thum.

Peter Thum with AK47Thum (left) previously founded and grew the social venture Ethos Water, which Starbucks Acquired in 2005. Ethos has funded over $6 million in safe water projects, helping more than 420,000 people around the world gain access to water and sanitation services.  Thum also is founder of Giving Water.

For more information on purchasing products watch the video below, or contact Fonderie 47 online at; with login serial number 87538336.


High-end Jewelry Made From AK-47s, for the Greater Good

Fonderie 47 Cufflinks

Fonderie 47 CufflinksTo combat the devastation caused by illegal assault rifles in Africa’s war zones, founder of Ethos water, Peter Thum, announced this week the launch of Fonderie 47. Based in New York City, Fonderie 47 removes AK47s from war zones and transforms them into rare watches and $32,000 cufflinks.  

In partnership with NGOs working in Africa, Fonderie 47 already has destroyed more than 6,000 assault rifles. The sale of each piece of Fonderie 47 jewelry funds the destruction of dozens more assault rifles.

Veteran NYPD Inspector Beats Cancer and Drug Gangs to Become Daily News Hero of the Month

cop hat

cop hatInspector James Guida has been in the NYPD for 30 years. He was assigned to command troubled precincts, and for the last four years logged an increase in arrests and hundreds of successful search warrants.

While battling the drug scourge, he has been fighting cancer.

For his dedication and perseverance through serious illness, Guida is the Daily News Hero of the Month: Surgeries and radiation treatments cannot keep him from his command.

(READ the story in the NY Daily News)

MIT Debuts First Prototype of Effort to Build $1,000 Homes

1K home in China - MIT photo

1K home in China - MIT photoHome prices in many of the world’s most famous cities run to well over $1,000 per square foot. By contrast, MIT architects have produced the first prototype from the Institute’s “1K House” project, an effort to see if low-cost homes for the poor can be constructed for $1,000, total.

The project’s debut effort, called the Pinwheel House, was constructed in Sichuan Province, China, at the epicenter of the 2008 earthquake.

Designer Ying chee Chui, a graduate of MIT’s Department of Architecture, created the housing especially for areas prone to natural disasters. Chui incorporated hollow brick walls with steel bars for reinforcement and wooden box beams to withstand earthquakes up to 8.0 in magnitude. The home turned out bigger and more costly, but at $5,925, it is still very inexpensive in relative terms.

MIT Debuts First Prototype of Effort to Build $1,000 Homes

1K home in China - MIT photo

1K home in China - MIT photoHome prices in many of the world’s most famous cities run to well over $1,000 per square foot. By contrast, MIT architects have produced the first prototype from the Institute’s “1K House” project, an effort to see if low-cost homes for the poor can be constructed for $1,000, total.

The project’s debut effort, called the Pinwheel House, was constructed in Sichuan Province, China, at the epicenter of the 2008 earthquake.

Designer Ying chee Chui, a graduate of MIT’s Department of Architecture, created the housing especially for areas prone to natural disasters. Chui incorporated hollow brick walls with steel bars for reinforcement and wooden box beams to withstand earthquakes up to 8.0 in magnitude. The home turned out bigger and more costly, but at $5,925, it is still very inexpensive in relative terms.

Venture For America Wants To Create 100,000 New Jobs By Matching College Grads With Startups

College grads - photo by Hmm360 via Morguefile

College grads - photo by Hmm360 via MorguefileRather than typical careers in finance, consulting, and law, Andrew Yang wants to recruit young talent to ignite entrepreneurial sparks in such economically depressed areas as Detroit; Providence, Rhode Island; and New Orleans.

In the process, he believes he can create 100,000 U.S. jobs by 2025.

Giving Thanks Helps Reset Your Outlook on Life


Photo by Sun StarCount your blessings this Thanksgiving. It’s good for you.

While it seems pretty obvious that gratitude is a positive emotion, psychologists for decades rarely delved into the science of giving thanks. But in the last several years they have, learning in many experiments that it is one of humanity’s most powerful emotions. It makes you happier and can change your attitude about life, like an emotional reset button.

Especially in hard times, like these.

What is the brain chemistry behind this and what are the best ways of inducing it?

(READ the AP article in the Mercury News)

Downturn in Major Taliban Attacks Brings Cautious Optimism to Pakistan

Kashmir border

Kashmir border“2011 has been another year dominated by bad news for Pakistan. Yet there are grounds for cautious optimism. A downturn in major terror attacks in the second half of the year and an overall decrease in civilian casualties at the hands of terrorists point to better policing and a gradual decline in the potency of militant groups, say officials and experts.”

Dyson Award-winner Makes Water Out of Thin Air for Farmers

Farm Irrigation Airdrop wins Dyson Award

Farm Irrigation Airdrop wins Dyson AwardAn Australian designer from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne is the winner of the 2011 James Dyson Award for his “Airdrop” – a low-cost, low-maintenance technology for farming in arid areas.

Dyson, an Inventor and entrepreneur who revolutionized the vacuum cleaner, said Edward Linacre’s invention “shows how simple, natural principles such as the condensation of water can be applied to good effect through skilled design and robust engineering.”

The 27-year-old beat a range of designers and innovators to take the £10,000 prize. His university department will also receive a £10,000.

Dyson Award-winner Makes Water Out of Thin Air Helping Farmers

Farm Irrigation Airdrop wins Dyson Award

Farm Irrigation Airdrop wins Dyson AwardAn Australian designer from Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne is the winner of the 2011 James Dyson Award for his “Airdrop” – a low-cost, low-maintenance technology for farming in arid areas.

Dyson, an Inventor and entrepreneur who revolutionized the vacuum cleaner, said Edward Linacre’s invention “shows how simple, natural principles such as the condensation of water can be applied to good effect through skilled design and robust engineering.”

The 27-year-old beat a range of designers and innovators to take the £10,000 prize. His university department will also receive a £10,000.

Mom Makes Thanksgiving Happen for 300 Families

Mom blogger raises Thanksgiving funds

Mom blogger raises Thanksgiving fundsA mother-of-three in Maryland had a simple idea: She used her parenting blog Scary Mommy to ask followers to make donations to help a family afford a Thanksgiving feast.

Over 600 respondents pitched it and she raised over $18,000 in supermarket gift cards for those who couldn’t afford food  – providing dinner for 378 families.


(SEE the story with photos in the Daily Mail)

Sweet Deal! Couple Finds Love in Black Friday Line

Couple met in Black Friday line

Couple met in Black Friday lineA Hurst, Texas couple is getting married after meeting while waiting in a Black Friday line.

Trevor MacDonald and Jesse Pierfelice were looking for a lot of things while sitting in the rain outside of a SuperTarget three years ago. But the one thing they weren’t expecting to find was each other.

She texted him the next day: “Hey, Target Boy”…

(WATCH the video below, or read the article at MSNBC)


iPhone 4S Introduces Amazing Features to Assist the Blind

iphone home

iphone homePlenty has been written about the new iPhone 4S, but one little known feature is the amazingly thoughtful AssistiveTouch.

Apple has always gone to considerable lengths to make the iPhone usable for people with vision and hearing impairments. If you’re deaf, you can have the LED flash to get your attention when the phone rings. You can create custom vibration patterns for each person who might call you.

But now, you can literally turn the screen off if you’re blind and operate everything — do your e-mail, surf the Web, adjust settings, run apps — by tapping and letting the phone speak what you’re touching.

Starlings Mesmerize Boaters on Ireland’s Shannon River

murmuration video

murmuration videoGirls canoeing in Ireland behold an astonishing sight as thousands of starlings swoop and pulse, whooshing through the sky as above Irish waters.

It’s the miracle of “murmuration”.

WATCH the video below…

‘Sweater Penguins’ Released Back to the Sea Oil-free (Video)

Penguins released in New Zealand

Penguins released in New ZealandRemember the little oil-soaked penguins that were aided last month by volunteers who knit them sweaters?

The first group of rescued penguins to be released back into the wild happily waddled their way down the beach of a New Zealand shoreline this week, to the delight of their caretakers and TV cameras.

The 49 Little Blue Penguins were cleaned up following the oil spill from the cargo ship, Rena, grounded off the coast near Tauranga on October 5. Hundreds more are still in rehabilitation.

‘Sweater Penguins’ Released Back to the Sea Oil-free (Video)

Penguins released in New Zealand

Penguins released in New ZealandRemember the little oil-soaked penguins that were aided last month by volunteers who knit them sweaters?

The first group of rescued penguins to be released back into the wild happily waddled their way down the beach of a New Zealand shoreline this week, to the delight of their caretakers and TV cameras.

The 49 Little Blue Penguins were cleaned up following the oil spill from the cargo ship, Rena, grounded off the coast near Tauranga on October 5. Hundreds more are still in rehabilitation.