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Jay-Z To Raise Money For Education With Benefit Concert at Carnegie Hall

Jay-z Gossip on This photo

Jay-z Gossip on This photoJay-Z didn’t graduate from high school, but he’s encouraging others to value their education.

The rapper announced Thursday that he will perform two shows at New York’s Carnegie Hall in February to benefit the Shawn Carter Scholarship Foundation and the United Way of New York City.

“Education is super important,” Jay-Z said.

The Sailor who Single-Handedly Saved His Ship During the Pearl Harbor Attack

Syl Puccio 1940 Pearl Harbor hero - family photo

Syl Puccio 1940 Pearl Harbor hero - family photoYesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the attack on the US Navy base at Pearl Harbor, and “a day that will live in infamy”.

It is augustly remembered by Roger Hare as the day his father survived, along with many of his shipmates aboard the badly torpedoed USS West Virginia, because of the quick-thinking actions of a single sailor named Sylvester Puccio. And Hare wants everyone to hear the story.

“Typical of that generation, Puccio stayed silent about his heroics out of respect for the piles of heroes he witnessed — the boys who never returned,” wrote Hare in an anniversary column in the Auburn Citizen. “(Puccio’s) daughter, Pam Selden, did not know her dad saved many lives, including my father. So I used old Navy records to prove his action was crucial.”

Determined to spread this story of the man who saved his family — and generations of families, Hare wrote the story for publication. The dramatic rescue of a battleship appears online here under the headline, An Angel Sent By History.

The story now adorns the wall of a museum in Rome, New York where Mr. Puccio still lives.

Heartwarming tributes to Syl Puccio have occurred thanks to Hare’s publicizing of the story, including a high school in Phillips, Wisonsin that raised money to buy a memorial to the hero…

(READ the story at

Syl appears in this local News tribute to the vets of Pearl Harbor (with advertisement)…

The Sailor who Single-Handedly Saved His Ship During the Pearl Harbor Attack

Syl Puccio 1940 Pearl Harbor hero - family photo

Syl Puccio 1940 Pearl Harbor hero - family photoYesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the attack on the US Navy base at Pearl Harbor, and “a day that will live in infamy”.

It is augustly remembered by Roger Hare as the day his father survived, along with many of his shipmates aboard the badly torpedoed USS West Virginia, because of the quick-thinking actions of a single sailor named Sylvester Puccio. And Hare wants everyone to hear the story.

“Typical of that generation, Puccio stayed silent about his heroics out of respect for the piles of heroes he witnessed — the boys who never returned,” wrote Hare in an anniversary column in the Auburn Citizen. “(Puccio’s) daughter, Pam Selden, did not know her dad saved many lives, including my father. So I used old Navy records to prove his action was crucial.”

Defying Parkinson’s With Dance (Video)

Dance-Parkinsons class in Chicago-APVid

Dance-Parkinsons class in Chicago-APVidThe two things that have brought Michael and Roslyn Lieb closer together couldn’t be more different: Parkinson’s disease and dance, one slowly taking away, the other giving back in ways they never imagined.

Once a week, they head to an unusual Chicago dance class tailored for Parkinson’s patients.

Their disease is checked at the door as they lose themselves in the slow and graceful movement.

The free classes are offered by an internationally known troupe whose performances blend modern dance, jazz and ballet.

New Breast Cancer Drugs Show Big Promise


woman on beach - CNNvideoNew cancer studies published yesterday are generating considerable excitement and anticipation among cancer specialists, who said in interviews that the results are some of the strongest data seen in years for new breast cancer therapies.

“This is an exciting time; it’s a crazy time, e-mails flowing one way and another,’’ he said. “We’re all talking. We have not been so active in a long time.”

Healthiest US States: Northeast Fares Best, Vermont Tops List

Farm in autumn VWV

Farm in autumn VWVVermont has again been named the healthiest state in the nation, topping the list for a fifth straight year thanks in part to a high rate of high school graduation and low incidence of infectious disease.

New Hampshire, Connecticut, Hawaii and Massachusetts rounded out the rest of the top five healthiest states, according to United Health Foundation’s 2011 America’s Health Rankings, released on Monday.

Bamboo Packaging on Dell Computers Saves 70,000 Trees

bamboo packaging for Dell

bamboo packaging for DellAll the hard-to-recycle packaging that keeps new Dell computers snug in their cartons but ends up in landfills is being replaced by environmentally-friendly bamboo material.

Not just good for the Earth, as with most eco-friendly upgrades, the step is easily taken for the computer giant because of its money-saving benefit for Dell’s bottom line.

Dell estimates that the decision to switch to sustainable bamboo will save about 70,000 trees this year alone. Because of this switch, Dell’s packaging is now easier to recycle as well as less expensive to produce.

Bamboo Packaging on Dell Computers Saves 70,000 Trees

bamboo packaging for Dell

bamboo packaging for DellAll the hard-to-recycle packaging that keeps new Dell computers snug in their cartons but ends up in landfills is being replaced by environmentally-friendly bamboo material.

Not just good for the Earth, as with most eco-friendly upgrades, the step is easily taken for the computer giant because of its money-saving benefit for Dell’s bottom line.

Dell estimates that the decision to switch to sustainable bamboo will save about 70,000 trees this year alone. Because of this switch, Dell’s packaging is now easier to recycle as well as less expensive to produce.

School Turns Abandoned Field into Organic Farm, Growing Ton of Produce for Cafeteria

Garden at Denver Green School - Sprout City Farms video

Garden at Denver Green School - Sprout City Farms videoJust eight months ago, a one-acre plot at the Denver Green School was an unused athletic field, but now that land has come to life with food-bearing vegetation.

“We have harvested over 3,000 pounds of produce from this ground,” said Megan Caley, a coordinator for Sprout City Farms, which partnered to create the garden.

“Kids are eating healthier,” said Frank Coyne, of the public school. “They are excited to eat the tomatoes on the salad bar, they are excited to eat the cucumbers.”

School Turns Abandoned Field into Organic Farm, Growing Ton of Produce for Cafeteria

Garden at Denver Green School - Sprout City Farms video

Garden at Denver Green School - Sprout City Farms videoJust eight months ago, a one-acre plot at the Denver Green School was an unused athletic field, but now that land has come to life with food-bearing vegetation.

“We have harvested over 3,000 pounds of produce from this ground,” said Megan Caley, a coordinator for Sprout City Farms, which partnered to create the garden.

“Kids are eating healthier,” said Frank Coyne, of the public school. “They are excited to eat the tomatoes on the salad bar, they are excited to eat the cucumbers.”

Counterfeit Clothes Are Finally Put to Good Use

Label His Church

Label His ChurchInstead of handing counterfeit designer clothes to customs or trading standards to be destroyed, they are being donated to a charity for redistribution to the homeless and vulnerable.

A huge pile of fake Tommy Hilfiger jeans is now in the custody of the His Church charity, which will patch over their labels with the His Church logo.

New Delhi Man Helps One Child, Now Dozens Call Him ‘Father’

India toddler saved from begging by Sunshine Prokect

India toddler saved from begging by Sunshine ProkectA businessman has taken charge of local slum children in New Delhi, including some as young as two years old whose impoverished parents sent them out begging on the streets.

He envisioned a brighter future for the youngsters outside his door and agreed to be their daily caretaker, giving them food and hiring tutors to teach them to read.

Over the past decade, he and his wife have brought about 150 children under their wing, eventually operating as the Sunshine Project.

It all began in 2002 when a tailor named Kuku Arora met a tiny toddler called Roshni (right) on his way to work. She had only one hand and was in a state of absolute neglect.

Kuku and his wife Priti started bringing her a bit of food every day, until one morning she had disappeared. The couple missed the girl and started looking for her. They found the two-year-old begging in a very busy main street.

They visited the parents and volunteered to look after the child during the day, providing food, healthcare and education. As the discussion with Roshni’s parents, who lived on the street, became rather heated, more and more children came close to listen and began asking eyes wide open whether they could come, too.

India classroom - Sunshine ProjectThe Sunshine Project was born. It was the very next day that Kuku and Priti began their day care center, helping no less than 17 children.

They rented a room to care for the children between 9 am and 6 pm. The group received tutoring for school, played and danced, visited a nearby park and even watch TV together. They received the gift of a “normal” childhood.

New young children are tutored by older ones, who learn to assume responsibility.

Kuku’s own family has to live without some of the “luxuries” they might otherwise enjoy so they can provide the kids with their community home and one meal a day — often no more than one banana and a biscuit.

But looking into the faces of all the grateful children provides a reward all its own.

To donate or sponsor a child visit the Sunshine Project website.

(READ more about Kuku’s story in CS Monitor)

Thanks to Joel Arellano for submitting the link on our Facebook page!

New Delhi Man Helps One Child, Now Dozens Call Him ‘Father’

India toddler saved from begging by Sunshine Prokect

India toddler saved from begging by Sunshine ProkectA businessman has taken charge of local slum children in New Delhi, including some as young as two years old whose impoverished parents sent them out begging on the streets.

He envisioned a brighter future for the youngsters outside his door and agreed to be their daily caretaker, giving them food and hiring tutors to teach them to read.

Over the past decade, he and his wife have brought about 150 children under their wing, eventually operating as the Sunshine Project.

It all began in 2002 when a tailor named Kuku Arora met a tiny toddler called Roshni (right) on his way to work. She had only one hand and was in a state of absolute neglect.

Inspiring Woman Paints the Sunrise Every Day

Sunset paintings by Debbie Wagner

Sunset paintings by Debbie WagnerAfter a life-threatening cancer diagnosis from her doctor, a Kansas woman realized the fragility of life and began painting the sunrise each morning.

The talented artist working in pastels now has a visual diary of the expansive prairie sky that started one morning in 2005 and continues almost unabated through the present day.

(WATCH the inspiring video below)

See more of her artwork at her 3 Rivers Gallery website…


Inspiring Woman Paints the Sunrise Every Day

Sunset paintings by Debbie Wagner

Sunset paintings by Debbie WagnerAfter a life-threatening cancer diagnosis from her doctor, a Kansas woman realized the fragility of life and began painting the sunrise each morning.

The talented artist working in pastels now has a visual diary of the expansive prairie sky, which started one morning in 2005 and continues almost unabated through the present day.

(WATCH the video below…)

Beer and Wine at Starbucks? Coming Next Year to Chicago

starbucks mug

starbucks mugTrying to boost evening traffic to their stores, Starbucks will begin offering beer and wine, along with new options like cured meats in Chicago by the end of 2012.

Starbucks has also been experimenting with live entertainment, including music, poetry readings or theater, depending on the neighborhood.

Wealthy Lottery Winners Make Good on Promise of Philanthropy

Lottery winners give to Veterans

Lottery winners give to VeteransThree Connecticut wealth managers who won a $254 million jackpot followed through on their promise to put the money toward philanthropy, today announcing donations to five charities that help veterans reintegrate into everyday life following deployment.

The first recipients will each receive $200,000. They are: The Bob Woodruff Foundation, Building Homes for Heroes, Services for the Under Served, Operation First Response and the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.

The lottery-winning trio formed a trust after claiming the largest prize in Conn. lottery history. It was also the 12th largest Powerball jackpot ever.

Their Putnam Avenue Family Trust opted for the one-time after-tax cash payout which totaled more than $103 million dollars.

(READ the ABC News story on Yahoo)

Thanks to Julia Frerichs, and Anne, for sending the link!

Wealthy Lottery Winners Make Good on Promise of Philanthropy

Lottery winners give to Veterans

Lottery winners give to VeteransThree Connecticut wealth managers who won a $254 million jackpot followed through on their promise to put the money toward philanthropy, today announcing donations to five charities that help veterans reintegrate into everyday life following deployment.

The first recipients will each receive $200,000. They are: The Bob Woodruff Foundation, Building Homes for Heroes, Services for the Under Served, Operation First Response and the Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund.

82-year-old Vet Sends Thousands of Care Packages to Soldiers as “Spam Czar”

Don Downer by David Pecor

Don Downer by David Pecor

It means a lot when any soldier receives a package sent from the United States loaded with treats to remind him of home.

82 year-old Don Downer has sent more than 1,400 such packages to American troops deployed overseas and was honored in Maryland recently as Howard County’s Volunteer of the Year.

Downer has been sending care packages since 2008, filling them with snacks like candy and chips as well as other items such as books and wool hats. His trademark? Inside every one is a can of Spam, the iconic low-cost canned meat product made in America since the late 1940s.

(READ the story in

Kentucky Church Reverses Ban on Interracial Couples

interracial couple cuts wedding cake by kakisky, via Morguefile

interracial couple cuts wedding cake by kakisky, via MorguefileAn eastern Kentucky church under a firestorm of criticism since members voted to bar mixed-race couples from joining the congregation overturned that decision Sunday, saying it welcomes all believers.

The Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church in Pike County, told The Associated Press that the vote by nine people last week was declared null and void after it was determined that new bylaws can’t run contrary to local, state or national laws.