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Justin Bieber Visits Impoverished Las Vegas School, Donates $100,000

Justin Bieber photo by Daniel Ogren Photography-CC license

Justin Bieber photo by Daniel Ogren Photography-CC licenseOn Friday, teenage pop sensation Justin Bieber played a special Christmas concert and donated $100,000 for the east Las Vegas elementary school nationally-renowned for providing its needy students and families with food, clothing, health services and the occasional rent check.

The Canadian star signed a $100,000 personal check after performing hit singles from his new Christmas album for 650 screaming students at Whitney Elementary School. To top off the private concert, “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” also donated an additional $100,000 in toys — one for every child – for the holidays.

Last U.S. Soldiers Leave Iraq, Cheering Across the Border into Kuwait

soldiers leave Iraq - DOD photo

soldiers leave Iraq - DOD photoThe last U.S. soldiers rolled out of Iraq across the border into neighboring Kuwait at daybreak Sunday, whooping, fist bumping and hugging each other in a burst of joy and relief.

Their convoy’s exit marked the end of a bitterly divisive war that raged for nearly nine years and left Iraq shattered and struggling to recover.

President Obama and the First Lady traveled to Fort Bragg in North Carolina on Wednesday to welcome home the first of the returning troops and thank them — and their families — for their service.

Last U.S. Soldiers Leave Iraq, Cheering Across the Border into Kuwait

soldiers leave Iraq - DOD photo

soldiers leave Iraq - DOD photoThe last U.S. soldiers rolled out of Iraq across the border into neighboring Kuwait at daybreak Sunday, whooping, fist bumping and hugging each other in a burst of joy and relief.

Their convoy’s exit marked the end of a bitterly divisive war that raged for nearly nine years and left Iraq shattered and struggling to recover.

President Obama and the First Lady traveled to Fort Bragg in North Carolina on Wednesday to welcome home the first of the returning troops and thank them — and their families — for their service.

Chelsea Clinton Files First Good News Report: Miracle Worker for Kids in Rural Arkansas

Woman helps kids in Arkansas NBCvideo

Woman helps kids in Arkansas NBCvideoNow working for NBC, Chelsea Clinton files her first “good news” report from her home state of Arkansas about a woman in rural Pine Bluff who is making a difference for her community in such a profound way that she’s known as a real life miracle worker.

She offers meals, a safe place, tutoring and lessons of responsibility for hundreds of children whose parents are unable to fully care for them.


(WATCH the Making A Difference video below from MSNBC)

Help Save a Rainforest the Size of Wales

Size of Wales Dan Mitchell

Size of Wales Dan MitchellAn area the size of Wales’ is frequently used to measure the rate of forest destruction.

Welsh-born comedian Dan Mitchell is bringing people together to help protect an area of rainforest at least this size and is assembling Welsh tribes from all over the country to do it.

“We aim to turn that negative use of the country’s size on its head, by encouraging the people of Wales to take positive action and help protect an area of rainforest equivalent to the size of our nation.”

Cash-Filled Purse Returned by Out-of-Work Atlanta Man

Samaritan returns purse - MSNBC video

Samaritan returns purse - MSNBC videoHundreds of dollars in cash and credit cards stuffed in a woman’s purse that was left in a subway station did not tempt an Atlanta man, even though it’s been three years since his last job.

The Good Samaritan, named Rod Garrett, tracked down the woman who left the purse, hoping for future blessings to come as a result.

(WATCH the video below from WXIA-TV)


Old Growth Redwood Forest Protected in the San Francisco Bay Area


redwoodMore than 8,500 acres of redwood forest and wildlife habitat in the Santa Cruz mountains will be protected after a coalition of San Francisco Bay Area conservation groups bought the land — the largest private landholding in in Santa Cruz County — for $30 million from building materials giant CEMEX.

The broad expanse of redwood and oak forests, which is 8 miles long, is home to mountain lions, peregrine falcons and endangered coho salmon.

UC Berkeley’s Gift to Middle-Class Families: a Cap on College Costs

UC Berkeley campus by brainchildvn flickr

UC Berkeley campus by brainchildvn flickrThe University of California at Berkeley is sending an early holiday gift to middle-class families struggling to send their offspring to America’s top-ranked public institution of higher education.

Unveiled during a news conference, UC Berkeley’s plan will cap tuition at 15 percent of household income for families earning between $80,000 and $140,000.

Teachers Union Leads Effort to Turn Around Poverty and Learning in West Virginia Schools

father and son search for hope

father and son search for hopeThe American Federation of Teachers, vilified by critics as an obstacle to school reform, is leading an unusual effort to turn around a floundering school system in a place where deprivation is layered on heartache.

The AFT wants to improve education deep in the heart of Appalachia by simultaneously tackling the social and economic troubles of McDowell County.

Angels Paying Off Layaway Bills for Strangers at Kmarts Across the US

angel of lights

angel of lights by John Stone, eyeclectic.netAt Kmart stores across the country, anonymous donors are paying off strangers’ layaway accounts, buying the Christmas gifts other families couldn’t afford, especially toys and children’s clothes set aside by impoverished parents.

In one case, an Indianapolis woman in her mid-40s had paid the layaway orders for as many as 50 people before leaving the store.

2.5 Million Young Americans Have New Health Insurance Coverage

fruit in bike basket - Photo by Sun Star

Photo by Sun StarAbout 2.5 million young people have received health insurance coverage as a result of health care reform measures that President Barack Obama signed into law last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Wednesday.

About 2.5 million more people, aged 19 to 25, have health insurance than had it before the law took effect because of a provision that lets young adults remain on their parents’ insurance plans through age 26.

Parents, or their kids, are paying for the new coverage after the new law forced insurance companies to offer the option to existing family policies.

Man Leaves Homelessness and Addiction Behind to Earn Master’s Degree

Graduate at 50 Aaron Alvin NBCvid

Graduate at 50 Aaron Alvin NBCvidAfter several arrests, drug addiction and being homeless, a Miami man has overcome the odds to graduate from Florida International University with a master’s degree in social work.

50-year-old Aaron Alvin was the only one of thousands to get a standing ovation at Tuesday night’s graduation ceremony in Miami.


(WATCH the video below from WTVJ or read the story at MSNBC)


Historic Drop in Executions as U.S. Death Sentences Reach 35-year Low


gavelFewer new death sentences are being handed out in the U.S. than ever before, according to a new report from the Death Penalty Information Center.

So far in 2011, 78 people convicted of murder have been sentenced to death – the first time in 35 years that the figure has dropped below 100.

Authors of the report cite the heightened awareness of the risks of executing the innocent as one of the main causes for the decline.

Facebook Aims to Help Prevent Suicides with Instant ‘Chat’ Service

Suicide prevention on Facebook CTV video clip

Suicide prevention on Facebook CTV video clipFacebook is making it easier for people who express suicidal thoughts on the social networking site to get help.

A program launched Tuesday enables users to instantly connect with a crisis counselor through Facebook’s “chat” messaging system.

In the past Facebook directed users to a hotline number through an email, but the new service goes a step further by enabling an instant chat session that experts say can make all the difference with someone seeking help.

Google Boosts Anti-slavery Efforts With $11.5 million Donation

google logo

google logoGoogle Inc. announced Wednesday that it’s providing $11.5 million in grants to 10 organizations working to end modern-day slavery and human trafficking.

Google said on its charitable website that its grants will “free more than 12,000 people from modern-day slavery” and prevent “millions more from being victimized.”

The Google blog said, “Modern day slavery is a multi-billion dollar industry that ruins the lives of around 27 million people.”

Army Depot Breaks Toys for Tots Record in Memory of Fallen Military Member

Toys for Tots US Army photo

Toys for Tots US Army photoMilitary families at the Red River Army Depot joined together to help the children of Texarkana in a Toys For Tots drive that broke previous annual records. Members loaded Army trucks with 500 bicycles, 1350 toys, 6,200 non-perishable food items and $875 in cash contributions.

The depot dedicated the 2011 campaign to the memory of one of their own, Ryan Johns, who worked there but passed away Sept. 25, after spending his life helping others.

Several employees from the division wore shirts during the pickup ceremony with Johns’ picture.Army trucks in Texas - DOD photo

Taylor’s son, Skylar, heard his mother talking about the Toys for Tots campaign and how the depot was dedicating it to Johns. He decided he wanted to play a part as well. The 9-year-old immediately emptied his piggy bank which contained $100 and donated it to help purchase toys.

Johns, who is remembered for his generosity, donated $1,000 to the Toys for Tots campaign in 2007.

Several depot members are already discussing how to make next year’s Toys for Tots Campaign better than ever.

“Toys for Tots is something very big at this depot and something we all take great pride in,” said Deputy Commander Patton Tidwell.

”The people here understand how much this campaign helps our local community. I believe we will make next year even better than this year, but this year will always be special with the dedication to Ryan.”

Toys for Tots begin in 1947 when Maj. Bill Hendricks and a group of Marine Reservists in Los Angeles collected and distributed 5,000 toys to needy children. The depot in Texas began its participation more than 20 years ago.

“The people at Red River are very loving and giving and are aware of all the support that the local community has given to this depot over the years,” said Mary Jayne Locke, depot coordinator for the campaign.

Source: US Army

Time’s Person of the Year: “The Protester”

Occupy Wall Street mask in Paris demonstration by stanjourdan-cc

Occupy Wall Street mask in Paris demonstration by stanjourdan-ccAfter an online poll and months of reporting on the most influencial news throughout the year, TIME magazine today named “The Protester” as its 2011 Person of the Year.

“No one could have known that when a Tunisian fruit vendor in a town barely on a map set himself on fire in a public square, it would spark protests that would bring down dictators in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya and rattle regimes in Syria, Yemen and Bahrain,” wrote Time editor Rick Stengel.

“That spirit of dissent would spur Mexicans to rise up against the terror of drug cartels, Greeks to march against unaccountable leaders, Americans to occupy public spaces to protest income inequality, and Russians to marshal themselves against a corrupt autocracy.”

Belgian Nurse who Saved American GIs in WWII Honored

Belgian nurse awarded medal for WWII valor

Belgian nurse awarded medal for WWII valorIt’s never too late to be recognized for bravery.

67 years after the US Army assumed she was killed when a bomb destroyed the hospital where she worked, a Belgian nurse who saved the lives of hundreds of soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge was given an American award for valor on Monday.

Augusta Chiwy, who is 93, received the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service for helping wounded and dying American soldiers, often coming under enemy fire while combing the battlefields to find more of the wounded in the deep snow.


(READ the AP story in the New York Times)

Extraordinary Midwife Named 2011 CNN Hero of the Year

CNN Hero Robin Lim

CNN Hero Robin LimFilipino-American Robin Lim, a midwife based in Indonesia, has won CNN’s coveted Hero of the Year award for 2011.

As founder of the Healthy Mother Earth Foundation health clinics in Indonesia, Lim, who is most often referred to as “Ibu” or “mother”, has helped thousands of impoverish mothers in the country with free birthing services from prenatal care, medical aid to delivery.

Is Homeless Man Asking for Change, or Making Change Happen?

Change sign for homeless short film

Change sign for homeless short filmIs he asking for Change, or is he asking for change?

Filmmaker Sharon Wright creates a short film about a man as he affects multiple peoples’ lives with just one dollar.

Written and directed by Wright, the film proves that it doesn’t take much to be the change in someone’s life.