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World’s First Airport Yoga Room Opens at San Francisco Intl Airport (LINK FIXED)

Yoga room SF airport

Yoga room SF airportStressed-out travelers willing and able to be flexible now have a new way to relax and refresh at San Francisco International Airport.

On Thursday, the airport officially opens what it claims is the world’s first dedicated yoga room at an airport.

Israel to Clear Thousands of Mines in Desert

Flag of Israel

Flag of IsraelIsrael’s defence ministry says it will soon begin clearing thousands of mines in southern Israel.

In a statement Sunday, defense official Ervin Lavi says the ministry will clear 60 acres of land near the Dead Sea in March.

Reddit Community Helps Machete Victim Defend Kenyan Orphans, Raising $65K in One Day

Orphan Protector Omari asks Reddit

Orphan Protector Omari asks RedditThe online news-sharing community, Reddit, has come to the rescue more than once when a member has posted a painful or inspiring story.

Yesterday, a member posted the photo of a heroic Kenyan man who was attacked in the face with a machete after trying to defend an orphanage from a gang of thugs. He asked if the people could help raise $2000 to fund a cement wall with barbed wire to help secure the grounds for the children and their defender, Omari.

24 hours later, the photo of Omari’s wounds, along with the heart-wrenching appeal, moved the community to raise more than $65,000 in donations.

As the donations poured in, so did the thanks from the Faraja Orphanage in Ngong, Kenya which posted photos of gratitude to the Reddit folks for their kindness.

Thank you Reddit orphans in Kenya

A year ago, Reddit users were moved by the owner of a toy store who shared the story of a 7-year-old girl being bullied because of the effects of a life-threatening disease. The shopkeeper wanted to raise money to give her a shopping spree. The online community gave $19,500 to ensure the girl’s final year was a happy one.

Visit Reddit to see the story, and joine one of the most philanthropic communities on the Web.

Thanks to Jack Corbley for the story idea!

Reddit Community Helps Machete Victim Defend Kenyan Orphans, Raising $65K in One Day

Orphan Protector Omari asks Reddit

Orphan Protector Omari asks RedditThe online news-sharing community, Reddit, has come to the rescue more than once when a member has posted a painful or inspiring story.

Yesterday, a member posted the photo of a heroic Kenyan man who was attacked in the face with a machete after trying to defend an orphanage from a gang of thugs. He asked if the people could help raise $2000 to fund a cement wall with barbed wire to help secure the grounds for the children and their defender, Omari.

24 hours later, the photo of Omari’s wounds, along with the heart-wrenching appeal, moved the community to raise more than $65,000 in donations.

South Korea Allows Food Aid to North Korea

Koreans cheer food aid delivery

Koreans cheer food aid deliverySouth Korean civic groups received the okay to deliver eight trucks of food aid to North Korea Friday in an effort to help the starving people in that country.

The 180 tons of flour is being delivered to hospitals, schools and day care centers with the hope that the measure will also lead to a softening of strained inter-Korean relations, following the passing of North Korea’s leader.

Hero Air Controller Guides Couple to Safety After Pilot Passes Out

Beechcraft plane bonanza

Beechcraft plane bonanzaWhen one of the nation’s 15,000 air traffic controllers does something wrong, you always hear about it. When one of them does something right, averting disaster, it’s called a save, and many times we don’t hear about these stories.

Charlie Rohrer, a controller for 22 years, had just finished a class on how to recognize the symptoms of hypoxia. A week later, while working his shift at the Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center, Rohrer diagnosed the condition, which occurs when a pilot flying at high altitude is deprived of oxygen.

After talking with the pilot of a small-engine plane, he noted the slurred speech and began taking action to avoid imminent disaster.

Soon after, the man had passed out and his wife was left to control the plane until it could be guided to a lower altitude.

Rohrer and 14 of his fellow controllers will be honored for their saves at an annual awards ceremony by their union, the National Air Traffic Controllers Association.

Read about Rohrer’s save, and hear the air traffic control tower recording, at CBS News.

Read about another recent save, Controllers Guide Pilot Though Clouds Just in Time, in the Seatle Post-Intelligencer.


Shelter Dog Wasn’t Hyper; He was a Natural Tracker and Now a Police Star

Boxer-Hound from shelter to police star

Boxer-Hound from shelter to police starAfter being abandoned by his owner just over a year ago, a young mutt was finding it hard to fit in.

The energetic hound-boxer mix would not stop jumping up on people, mouthing on their arms and legs. It took a trainer from a police  K-9 group to spot the dog’s real potential.

On a hunch, Adam Witherspoon tested the hyper dog for aptitude and was “stunned” by the outcome.

“His hunt drive was just through the roof.”

Now, he is a star on the police force.

Shelter Dog Wasn’t Hyper; He was a Natural Tracker and Now a Police Star

Boxer-Hound from shelter to police star

Boxer-Hound from shelter to police starAfter being abandoned by his owner just over a year ago, a young mutt was finding it hard to fit in.

The energetic hound-boxer mix would not stop jumping up on people, mouthing on their arms and legs. It took a trainer from a police  K-9 group to spot the dog’s real potential.

On a hunch, Adam Witherspoon tested the hyper dog for aptitude and was “stunned” by the outcome.

“His hunt drive was just through the roof.”

Now, he is a star on the police force.

Leatherback Sea Turtles Granted Protection Along U.S. West Coast

leatherback giant turtle - USFWS, Gisella Burgos

leatherback giant turtle - USFWS photo by Gisella BurgosA major decision to protect feeding hotspots for endangered leatherback sea turtles off the shores of Washington, Oregon and California was finalized last week by the U.S. Marine Fisheries Service.

The final rule establishes protection for 40,000 square miles of critical ocean habitat in areas where leatherbacks feed on jellyfish after swimming 6,000 miles across the Pacific from nests in Indonesia. This is the first permanent safe haven for the giant leatherbacks designated in continental U.S. waters and the largest area set aside to protect sea turtle habitat in the United States or its territories.

Leatherback Sea Turtles Granted Protection Along U.S. West Coast

leatherback giant turtle - USFWS, Gisella Burgos

leatherback giant turtle - USFWS photo by Gisella BurgosA major decision to protect feeding hotspots for endangered leatherback sea turtles off the shores of Washington, Oregon and California was finalized last week by the U.S. Marine Fisheries Service.

The final rule establishes protection for 40,000 square miles of critical ocean habitat in areas where leatherbacks feed on jellyfish after swimming 6,000 miles across the ocean from nests in Indonesia. This is the first permanent safe haven for the giant leatherbacks designated in continental U.S. waters and the largest area set aside to protect sea turtle habitat in the United States or its territories.

Labradoodle Hero Rescues Grandfather After He Falls in Ravine


Labradoodle Australian by Searchtempo -ccMaurice Holder, 73, had been taking pet labradoodle Monty for a walk along a tidal river when the ground suddenly gave way and he plunged 40ft towards the water.

The pensioner was knocked unconscious and broke six ribs.

Maurice said: “When I woke up the tide had come in up to my chest and I was bleeding from my head.”

Michael Jackson’s Children Imprint Father’s Glove in Hollywood Cement (w/ Video)

Jackson kids Telegraph Video clip

Jackson kids Telegraph Video clipLate pop star Michael Jackson was immortalized in cement on Thursday when his three children stamped the “Thriller” singer’s glove and shoe prints in the hallowed concrete courtyard of Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood.

Jackson’s daughter Paris, 13, imprinted her father’s iconic silver sequined glove and scrawled his name into the cement, adding a heart in between Michael and Jackson.

A Runner for Cancer Decides to Become Oncologist After Losing Father

Runner Marathon Jenna Norton

Runner Marathon Jenna NortonJenna Norton is not your typical medical school applicant. In fact, until two years ago, she had never considered a career in medicine. It took Jenna seven years to graduate with a degree in Theatre, while working as a waitress and acting on the side. The death of her father, Henry, who passed away after a brief battle with cancer, also delayed her graduation. But his death later propelled Jenna’s future in a direction never imagined — a tribute to the man who owned a hardware store and supported his daughter’s passion for Shakespeare.

As her family struggled with the loss, Norton reached a low emotional point. While battling depression and trying to finish school, Jenna decided that the only answer was to change her life.

She started running as a way to reclaim her athletic youth and beat her family’s history of cancer.

“At the time, I could barely run one mile,” she said.

She joined several running clubs in Houston and trained for her first official race, a 5K at the Houston Marathon, for which she raised more than $500 for the American Cancer Society.

Running sparked Norton’s curiosity in medicine, a minor interest she’d held since high school. In order to further explore her re-kindled interest, she started to volunteer in cancer wards at Texas Children’s Hospital and the MD Anderson Cancer Clinic.

It wasn’t long before she ran her first full marathon in 2011 on “Team Henry”, dedicating the run in honor of her father.

Med students Jenna Norton HarvardBy that time, it was obvious to Jenna that her passion had faded for theatre. She applied and was accepted into the Harvard Health Careers Program for post-baccalaureate students.

Last fall, Norton packed everything she owned into 2 suitcases and moved from the heat of Texas to the frigid campus in Boston. Now, as a pre-med student (photo, left), she landed a job at Massachusetts General Hospital working as an assistant in a research facility. She continues running, and is currently training for the iconic Boston Marathon to benefit a pediatric cancer patient.

“Through my running I hope to give others hope. Running has real and applicable power to do good. I don’t think my Harvard road would have been possible if I hadn’t taken that first run.”

You can view Norton’s running page at:

A Runner for Cancer Decides to Become Oncologist After Losing Father

Runner Marathon Jenna Norton

Runner Marathon Jenna NortonJenna Norton is not your typical medical school applicant. In fact, until two years ago, she had never considered a career in medicine. It took Jenna seven years to graduate with a degree in Theatre, while working as a waitress and acting on the side. The death of her father, Henry, who passed away after a brief battle with cancer, also delayed her graduation. But his death later propelled Jenna’s future in a direction never imagined — a tribute to the man who owned a hardware store and supported his daughter’s passion for Shakespeare.

As her family struggled with the loss, Norton reached a low emotional point. While battling depression and trying to finish school, Jenna decided that the only answer was to change her life.

Justin Bieber’s Organ Donor Encouragement Causes Spike in Registrations

Bieber Tweet helps donor

Bieber Tweet helps donorAfter a fan Tweeted Justin Bieber asking for his help, as a fellow Canadian, to save lives (like hers) by promoting organ donation, he responded — and his fans have done the same.

After re-tweeting her original plea, he responded directly to the girl who is in need of a lung transplant saying she has “amazing strength” and he wants to help. Minutes later, he reached out to his 16.7 million fans, sharing her story and tweeting:

“Help spread the word for @alungstory #BeAnOrganDonor.”

Justin Bieber’s Organ Donor Encouragement Causes Spike in Registrations

Bieber Tweet helps donor

Bieber Tweet helps donorAfter a fan Tweeted Justin Bieber asking for his help, as a fellow Canadian, to save lives (like hers) by promoting organ donation, he responded — and his fans have done the same.

After re-tweeting her original plea, he responded directly to the girl who is in need of a lung transplant saying she has “amazing strength” and he wants to help. Minutes later, he reached out to his 16.7 million fans, sharing her story and tweeting:

“Help spread the word for @alungstory #BeAnOrganDonor.”

Thousands of Arab and Jewish Youth Hold Online Peace Conference

YaLa Leader on computer (YouTube video)

YaLa Leader on computer (YouTube video)Just beneath the radar of formal diplomacy and strategic talks, the largest peace conference in the history of the Middle East took place Monday and Tuesday on Facebook.

Thousands of Palestinian, Israeli and Arab youth joined together for the virtual peace summit where real world leaders, like Hillary Clinton, Shimon Peres and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, congratulated their efforts.

“Cash Mob” Rallies to Help Mom & Pop Store

Chagrin Hardware in Cleveland suburb

Chagrin Hardware in Cleveland suburbIt began quietly, as an email to 40 friends asking them to spend at least $20 at the old hardware store on Main Street. But it was forwarded and re-forwarded until the 72-year-old family-owned store was inundated with customers.

In an era of big boxes, the grassroots “cash mob” set for January 21 delivered a stream of customers so steady that the credit card machine at the Chagrin Hardware in Ohio was “overloaded and had to be reset”.

Gamers Redesign a Protein That Stumped Scientists for Years

fold-it game helps science redesign protein

fold-it game helps science redesign proteinFollowing on the success last September of video gamers to solve the elusive riddle of an HIV enzyme within three weeks, they have again astonished scientists.

Players of the online puzzle game Foldit have redesigned an enzyme model by fiddling with folding proteins on their home computers in search of the best-scoring (lowest-energy) patterns.

Gamers Redesign a Protein That Stumped Scientists for Years

fold-it game helps science redesign protein

fold-it game helps science redesign proteinFollowing on the success last September of video gamers to solve the elusive riddle of an HIV enzyme within three weeks, they have again astonished scientists.

Players of the online puzzle game Foldit have redesigned an enzyme model by fiddling with folding proteins on their home computers in search of the best-scoring (lowest-energy) patterns.