With COVID vaccines in short supply, waiting times are not unusual—but not for those stuck in traffic alongside these dedicated healthcare workers who made sure that fresh doses didn’t go to waste.

During last Tuesday’s snowstorm in Oregon, this inoculation crew found themselves stranded in a traffic jam. Rather than let vaccine doses expire, they hopped out of their vehicles and braved the cold, walking car to car looking for people eager to receive the shots.
After a day spent doling out vaccinations at various locations, Josephine County Public Health Director Michael Weber and 20 colleagues were on their way back to home base in Grants Pass, Oregon with six vaccine doses leftover. Stuck in a snowbound line of cars behind an accident, Weber realized that the 6-hour shelf life of these vaccine doses that had been removed from sub-zero storage would expire quickly.
With the vaccine’s viability window closing, rather than let the precious cargo go to waste, Weber leaped into action. “I decided to start going door-to-door, car-to-car, offering the vaccine,” he told The Washington Post. An ambulance that had accompanied them was also present and ready to treat anyone in the rare case of an allergic reaction.”
Weber and four team members carried pre-filled hypodermics, medical supplies, and a big umbrella to canvass motorists for likely candidates. After 45 minutes, all the remaining doses had been happily distributed.
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The six lucky people who got the unexpected shot in the arm were elated. One “vaccinatee” was so psyched, he jumped out of his car and stripped off his shirt in the blizzard to get his injection.

And finally, in a quintessential “somebody up there likes me” moment, the last dose went to a woman who’d missed her scheduled appointment that same day. She was thrilled.
Weber and his crew were pretty pleased with the outcome as well. “I can’t imagine a better way to spend four hours stuck in a snowstorm,” he said.
Neither can we.
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