A group of middle-aged dads formed a dance crew to perform at their kids’ school but become unlikely social media stars with over 300k followers—one of which is Hugh Jackman.
The ‘Outta’ Puff Daddys first came together in 2012 in Brighton for a surprise performance at their children’s annual dance show.
Now the viral TikToks and Instagram Reels of their synchronized dancing have their kids cheering them on alongside a six-figure following.
Having never danced professionally before and ranging in age from 42 to 60, the dads were taught by their kids’ street dancing teacher for the surprise performance and received such a good reception they decided to carry on permanently.
Paul Jukes, 48, the group’s leader and artistic director, says dancing together has helped the members through bereavement, unemployment, and depression, reminiscent of the classic British comedy The Full Monty.
“The irony is that even though I’m the leader, artistic director, and choreographer of the group, I’m not normally the most confident [guy],” said Jukes, whose crew name is ‘Jukebox’, obviously. “If we’re in a party situation we’re off at the side but when we’re together those inhibitions are lost, and we just embrace life to the max.”
Jukebox remembers the moment they surprised their kids at the dance show.
“We performed at the Brighton Dome which seats 2,000 people so for your first live dance performance it was quite something. We literally took the roof off,” he said. “The noise was phenomenal and of course, the kids in the audience were like, ‘hang on a second, that’s your dad.’”
“Most people would assume our kids are going to be embarrassed by us but none of us in the crew have that. All our families and kids are really supportive and really love it.”

“And of course, it has been deemed cool by them to have the following we have with over 300,000 followers on Instagram and videos that get over one million views.”
“We all have crew names and one of our members is called Wolverine, and recently received a comment from Hugh Jackman giving him a massive thumbs up.”
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The group actually began performing around the country at festivals over the last 3 years. Jukes experienced a period of depression in 2017 and he credits the group for playing a key role in his recovery.
“I believe everyone should be constantly underpinning and supporting their mental health— as we all do with our physical health—so that when those moments arise, we immediately have strategies in place,” he said.
“One of those is making sure I absolutely attend our weekly dance sessions because they are so integral to my mental health.”
The group is having to adapt to its members’ changing bodies as they get older, but that has not stopped them from continuing to dream big.
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“There are a few arthritic knees in the crew, so we nurture and support each other to make sure what we do is achievable,” said Jukes. “One of our crew members is 60 years old now and he’s just incredible.”
“We joke about it as a crew but hey, let’s go to Vegas and Hollywood. An Outta Puff Daddys residency – why not?”
WATCH the daddys in action below…
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