When the front carriage of a metro train near Rotterdam crashed through the safety barriers just before midnight on Sunday, the driver escaped injury thanks to a sculpture of a whale’s tail.

The train was held 32 feet in the air upon one of two tail fins, known (really) as “flukes.”
And, what is the name of the installation by Dutch artist and architect Maarten Struijs? We kid you not, it’s “Saved by the Whale’s Tail.”
The driver was able to leave the empty train by himself and was taken to hospital for a check-up, according to the BBC.
Twitter users have, naturally, found a new sense of ‘poipose’ as a result of this serendipitous tale from the Netherlands.
One commenter, Mike Twister, was even moved to poetry seeing this ‘fluke’ of nature.
A Rotterdam artist's creation
— Mick Twister (@twitmericks) November 2, 2020
Prevented a train conflagration -
On leaving the rail,
It stopped on the whale,
Which wasn't its scheduled cetacean.#whaletail#rotterdam #flukehttps://t.co/Md5bzoKay4
So there you go, people really can be saved by art.
(WATCH the Bloomberg video of this amazing story below.)
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