cell-phone-talking-anitapatterson-morguefile.jpgHow good are you at keeping your focus on your goal? Not so much? The Law of Distraction is probably the culprit.

(Don’t you love that title? Doesn’t it say it all?)

Why are kids so good at staying focused on one thing when they really want it?

What is the Law Of Distraction? It is the inherent truth for all thinking beings, that even once you know what you truly want, all manner of people, events and things can and will pop up, threatening to steer you off course.

Here are the signs LOD is at work in your scenario:

  1. Your level of disorganization is increasing
  2. Something important re-surfaces in your life, and you find yourself thinking, Oh yeah, that! I keep forgetting to get to it.
  3. On a scale of 1 to 10, your procrastination level regarding attracting more of what you really want is moving closer to ten, 10 being very high.
  4. You are having trouble clearly visualizing your most important desire.
  5. You are feeling disillusioned about the healthy positive thinking concepts you thought you had mastered.
  6. You have a perception that other people are getting closer to a similar goal, and you feel left behind.

If any of this sounds familiar, take heart. You are among millions!

What are Women’s Most Common Distracters?

  1. Deep inner beliefs or negative thoughts about themselves
  2. Overwhelm. I.e.: family, work
  3. Over-commitment syndrome
  4. Fear
  5. Common and less common life experiences such as the death of a loved one, financial hardship, natural and man made disasters

These five are among a variety of common issues with which women are struggling, while trying to apply healthy positive thinking, realistic law of attraction strategy.

How to Outsmart the Law of Distraction

Children have a much smaller bank of distraction in their mind’s memory, so it is easier for them to focus. Adults can overcome this disadvantage by adding a daily habit that enriches their feeling memory, at an emotional base line.

Top sports coaches constantly work at helping their star athletes to see themselves as successful regardless of distraction. The reason they are keenly focused on this issue, is that without that skill, winning and running-uphill-2-sm.jpgsuccess is elusive at best, and may be impossible.

Two steps are key. Remembering and knowing. You can significantly increase your ability to stay on course by getting better at

• Remembering what you want more of, on a daily basis

• Nurturing the knowing within you. i.e.: the trust, belief, faith: A feeling that I know I will succeed at this

The Law of Distraction is temporarily at work at any given moment. It is up to you to regain control over more of your thought processes, towards the positive. No, it is not possible to totally control one’s thoughts. However, the more you get better at applying your energy, attention and focus to attracting less of what you do not want, and more of what you do want, the less power the law of distraction has over your present and your future goals.


Gisele Guenard’s Law of Attraction Website explores many laws at work in women’s daily lives, and offers them help with the issues of most concern. Her new book, HELP! Healthy Thinking in Times of Trouble is a reference book for healthy thinking during your most challenging times. Backed with thorough current research from the fields of psychology and medicine, Help! contains meditation exercises and the Help! Wellness Model© that can deliver mental wellness in times of struggle, even to caregivers and those in grief.


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