
We’re all familiar with KIND Bars, the tasty snacks that brag about their “ingredients list that you can pronounce.”

What you may not know is that they’ve been running a campaign that has resulted in over one million acts of kindness as part of their #kindawesome initiative, which celebrates random acts of kindness from strangers.

The incentive? Free KIND bars, of course, and a voucher for you to pass along to a fellow do-gooder.

For the last twelve years, KIND Bars Founder and CEO, Daniel Lubetzky, has been working to bring kindness to all corners of his community. The corporation has done everything from backing a nonprofit every month with $10,000, to setting up “flower walls” in the city so strangers can pick a flower and pass it on to someone who needs a smile.

The #kindawesome campaign was born because Daniel also believes that everyone’s kindness should be rewarded.IKEA-solar-panels-photoby-hnnbz-CC

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If Daniel or a KIND employee sees someone performing an act of selfless kindness, they will celebrate the gesture by giving them a voucher for a free KIND Bar, along with another voucher to pass on to someone else. Twitter and Instagram are all flooded with hash-tagged pictures and stories about the contagious feelings of happiness that were born.

Daniel credits the inspiration for the movement to his father, telling USA Today that while his dad was in a concentration camp during the Holocaust, a German soldier took pity on his hunger and threw a potato at his feet. Daniel says that he was always very touched by this story, and that it must have taken a lot of courage for a soldier to show kindness to his enemy.

If you know of someone that could use some recognition for their kindness, send an email to [email protected] and tell them all about it.

(WATCH Daniel talk about his passion for kindness in the video below)

Be Kind Enough to Share the Story With Your Friends… (below)

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