There are 3 things you need to know right now about attracting all that you desire:
1) There are 4 Stages of Awakening.
2) 90% of us remain stuck in the first stage of awakening.
3) It is impossible to achieve our desires in this first stage. But we only need to make a subtle but profound shift to move to the second level.
So says one of the most recognized stars of “The Secret,” Joe Vitale. He wants to help you recognize why you’re stuck.
The Masters Gathering is kicking off tomorrow (a virtual coaching platform), and in order to promote the event, they have been posting free videos (and I am passing them along) featuring people like Joe Vitale, financial guru, Laura Langemeier, and John Assaraf with his 30 minute talk which I entitled, Is Meditation a Superpower?.
Vitale reveals why our attempts to manipulate our lives, our experience, and the universe haven’t worked, and the simple shift that can open the floodgates to success. Click here to see Joe’s latest fascinating 20-minute discussion on The Four Stages of Awakening. It is more detailed and in-depth than The Secret.
Join or Listen to a Free Tele-seminar Featuring 3 Stars from The Secret
Also, there is a free tele-seminar happening today in about an hour, and even if you can’t make it, you can get the recording immediately when you click below. The live discussion features The Secret stars, Joe Vitale, Hale Dwoskin and Harrison Klein as they answer, in uncensored style, the questions that have come into the Masters Gathering blog so far.
Wednesday February 4th at 12 Noon EST
Click to Get Your Dial-in Information — or recording of the call
During the call they will:
* Answer your questions
* Delve deeper into The Law of Attraction and how to put it to work in your life to get EXACTLY what you want
* Introduce you to the Master behind The Masters Gathering: Harrison Klein. He’ll share his inspiring story battling 30 years of depression, abuse, and suffering and how he encountered a life-changing episode. That singular event instantaneously relieved his pain, self-hatred, and sadness and led him to into a staggering 30-year practice coaching thousands of people and triggering instant transformation in their lives as well.
Get Your Dial-in Information — or recording of the call here, and once you have signed up for any of these videos or phone calls you can have access to all the other videos on their blog. I hope you get as much out of the experience as the thousands of people who’ve posted their appreciation in the comments section there.