A mom says her mother’s instinct saved her unborn baby’s life—after she rushed to hospital convinced something was wrong despite showing no warning signs.
43-year-old Jemma Austin had a gut feeling that something wasn’t quite right when she was 22 weeks pregnant.
Jemma said, “I was on a walk with the dog and I just had this feeling I should go and see my consultant. I didn’t have any symptoms, but I just knew I should go in. I couldn’t ignore it. It was a mother’s instinct.
Jemma and her partner, Paul Jordan had been trying for a baby for five years, and had gone through two rounds of IVF.
It was lucky she did go in, as the doctors found that her cervix was open and measuring 8mm.
“They asked me why I came in,” she said. “Was I in any pain? But I just said it was my instinct.”
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The medical team managed to put a cervical stitch in, and Jemma stayed on bed rest in Worcestershire Royal Hospital for two weeks until she went into labor at 24 weeks.

The couple’s baby boy, named Axel, was born 14 weeks early on February 12, 2020, weighing just 1lb 7oz.
“He was so tiny when he was born. I got to hold him for just a moment before he was taken away. It was so up and down but he pulled through.
Both Jemma and Axel battled sepsis after the birth and their baby boy had a seizure in his first week.
“He was on and off his ventilator,” Jemma said. “But he was such a little fighter. I knew he’d make it.”
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Axel spent 107 days in the hospital, but finally came home with his parents last June.
Now he’s approaching his first birthday and is a happy little boy.

“He’s such a miracle,” Jemma said. “I feel so lucky to have him.”
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Instinct, or the Lord?
Love the story! God had His hands on you and now this little man’s going to be special the rest of his life!