It was amid a mountain of shipping containers that US Coast Guard inspectors managed to locate this sweetheart, who was trapped inside for as many as 8 days without food or water.
At the international port in Houston, Ryan McMahon, a petty officer 2nd class, was conducting a routine inspection of the more than 10,000 containers that fill the port at any time, when he and his colleagues detected the sound of scratching coming from one of them.
The container was about 25 feet up the stacks, and they had to use a crane to bring it down. Inside were a couple of junked cars and a small happy dog.
“She just seemed happy more than anything, to be out of that dark space and in the arms of people that were going to take care of her,” McMahon told the AP.
Before taking her to Forever Changed Animal Rescue in a suburb of Houston called Pasadena, they decided to name her Connie. Coast Guard spokesmen said that she was likely a junkyard resident in her former life, and ran into one of the junked cars, perhaps in a bout of fear, before it was loaded into the container.
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“It would take at least another week to get to where she was going [on a cargo ship] and two weeks without food or water. I don’t think she would have made it,” McMahon said.
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Perhaps the most fitting end to the story would have been for one of the inspectors to adopt Connie the Containership Dog, but it wasn’t the right time for any of them.
At the shelter, Connie is reported to have won everyone over with her wonderful attitude, and while receiving treatment for heartworm and malnourishment, she will soon be ready for adoption.
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