It’s Monday morning. GNN has your inspiration fuel for the week.
Nora Langdon is a world champion powerlifter at 78-years-young, holding 19 world records, with personal records of 413 pounds in the squat, 381.4 pounds in the deadlift, and a 203.9 pound bench press.
If that wasn’t already enough to get you up off your bum and into your favorite workout, Langdon started when she was already 65, and too out of shape to walk up the stairs in the houses she was selling as part of a 35-year career in real estate.
She told her story to Refinery 29’s exceptional mini-doc Irreplaceable: Celebrating Different.
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Celebrating a birthday party, a friend introduced her to Art Little, a personal trainer at Royal Oak Gym, in Michigan. She came to watch a powerlifting meet, and asked Little if she could do the same eventually. Little was hesitant, but started her off with the basics.
“Langdon estimates that she has 20-25 medals in her trophy room,” reports Barbend. “She has competed in 25 sanctioned meets and won 23 of them.”
In the two outliers she failed to post totals, meaning that it wasn’t that anyone out-lifted her.
“When I squat, this is what I say, I say ‘Holy Spirit, fall on me, and I just do it—come right on up,'” she told Fox News.
“I feel strength when I powerlift,” says Langdon in Refinery 29’s doc—a voice over comment as she prepares to rip a deadlift in a pair of pristine Chuck Taylors. “Because it means I can beat the world. I want to inspire other women to take care of themselves.”
The most decorated powerlifter in her weight class, Langdon competes in powerlifting three times a year, at the State Championships, the Nationals, and the Worlds. She has set up a GoFundMe to finance her career beyond her very meager sponsorship money.
Follower her @noraliftsheavy on Instagram.
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