A New Zealand-based eco-startup has cracked the code for replacing single-use plastic—targeting garden nurseries with their breakthrough bioplastic that breaks down naturally in soil.
After five years of development and testing, Compostify is aiming to replace the 350 million waste-producing plastic pots produced annually across the country.
“Our mission is to replace conventional plastics with materials that work in harmony with nature,” said Compostify co-founder and CEO Peter Wilson. “Not only is Compostify’s bioplastic practical and robust, it decomposes naturally, turning what was once waste into something beneficial for the soil.”
Multi-ton orders have already been placed by partners like Scion that are manufacturing the eco-friendly containers for the horticultural sector to create industry-wide impact for the retailers which have long sought solutions to reduce plastic waste.
Made from sustainably grown crops such as sugarcane, cassava, and corn, the pots can last 12 months above ground before biodegrading, with the biodegrading process starting as soon as soil is added. When planted directly in the ground, the pot provides fertilizer for the plant as the pot biodegrades.
Importantly, the bio-polymers made from the crops contain only naturally occurring chemicals and nutrients attractive for microbes to eat, and leaves no micro-plastics or toxic residue.
The construction sector has similar needs for bioplastic solutions and is an obvious next target for sustainable alternatives to products such as the plastic rebar safety caps that typically litter building sites at the end of a project. Initial orders for these rebar safety caps have also been secured.
“Our bioplastic is the foundation for a future where single-use plastics are a thing of the past,” Wilson says. “We’re here to empower our partners, in New Zealand and beyond, to contribute to a world that doesn’t just reduce waste but reimagines it.”

Once in contact with soil, compost or other natural environments, Compostify’s patented bioplastic material will fully compost within 12 months in home composts and up to 24 months in soil.
Wilson says the standard for home compostability represents a breakthrough in bioplastic innovation because most bioplastics (polylactic acid) used worldwide can only be composted industrially.
“It’s a world first: we have found a way for certified breakdown of a bioplastic alloy in mild environments such as regular soil or home compost systems.”
But it features a much longer shelf life, engineered to remain stable in storage and performing like conventional plastics without premature breakdown.
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Compostify’s innovation was supported by a collaborative effort with Crown Research Institute Scion, which played an essential role in research, development, and testing of 40,000 compostable planter pots.
Together, Compostify and Scion developed a proprietary formulation using biopolymers sourced from sustainable crops, combined with bio fillers derived from organic matter sourced in New Zealand. (See the video with Mr. Wilson below…)
Throughout development, the earthworm-safe product was called ‘PolBionix’, but has been rebranded as Compostify for its launch nationwide.
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