Principal Sherman Padgett was on the lookout for senior pranks last week, so he was reluctant to grant the request of one student to hold a bucket in the hallway. Little did he know they were planning a positive prank for their hardworking administrator.

“No way,” the principal from North High in Witchita, Kansas told her. “I’m not holding your bucket. … You’re going to put fish eyes in it or something.”

So, Emily Jones left it on his desk — an old black pail splattered with paint.

When he finally succumbed to her pleas, he brought the bucket into the hallway between classes while he normally monitored the bustle of students.ScreenSnapz0231-620x258

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Suddenly a student dropped a note in the bucket. Then another dropped a note. After the bell rang he went back to his desk and began reading the many touching messages of thanks from his pupils.

“I love you, Mr. Padgett,” one of the notes said. “High school has been wonderful with you as my principal.”

Padget read them all and cried.

(WATCH the video above from KWCH or READ the story in the Witchita Eagle)

Story tip from Amy Birk

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