Frog Sink Cambodia Watershed website

Any parent who’s ever flown a spoon-shaped “airplane” into a baby’s mouth knows that sometimes, to get kids to do what’s good for them, you’ve got to make it fun.

That’s at least part of the thinking behind LaBobo, a colorful, frog-themed, portable plastic sink recently introduced in Cambodia, where low access to basic hand-washing equipment contributes to the death of more than 10,000 children a year from diarrheal diseases.

The sinks are produced and distributed by WaterSHED, a nonprofit working to help bring improved sanitation conditions and clean water to countries in Southeast Asia.Lucky-Iron-Fish-YouTube

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“If (people) spend some money on a product they like and actually want to own, it’s much more likely that they will keep using it and form a healthy habit of washing their hands regularly,” WaterSHED regional program manager Geoff Revell told Reuters.

To date, over 10,000 sinks, at $15 each, have been sold by WaterSHED, helping kids in one of the world’s most sanitation-challenged countries to get into the habit of washing up before dinner.

(READ more at Reuters) – Photo: WaterSHED

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