credit – Stevens County Sheriff’s Department

From Washington state comes the story of a senior citizen being saved by his senior canine, who risked her life obstructing traffic in order to find help.

On September 25th, the unnamed, 84-year-old owner of this beautiful pooch named Gita, fell, hurt his leg, and couldn’t move.

Gita then ran down to the main road where she stood on the paving lines waiting for someone to stop.

That someone was Deputy Wright, who was patrolling that particular area of Stevens County. Seeing neither house nor owner, Wright alighted on the road to try and get Gita into his patrol car, but the dog wouldn’t budge.

Visiting nearby residences, Wright couldn’t identify the dog’s owner.

“Sensing something amiss, Wright went back to the dog which was now lying on the centerline,” a statement from the Sheriff’s office read.

Wright tried to move the dog yet again, but this time she took off up a steep, unmarked, poorly traveled side road.

“Wright followed the dog, and it led him to a small summer cabin. He began checking around the area and observed an elderly male lying on the ground calling for help a short distance from the cabin. The 84-year-old male, who also had other medical conditions needing regular medications, had fallen and injured his leg. He had laid there for hours and may have had serious consequences if he had not been found.”

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“We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us,” the office wrote.

Second-cousin of the injured man, Pat Lolavera, praised Deputy Wright for following his instincts, and Gita for her incredible intelligence and dedication.

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Commentors hoped they’d see more of the story on CBS Evening News, or the Fox & Friends Animal Hour

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