
A Dunkin’ Donuts employee in Ohio recently received a huge surprise from one of her loyal customers—a fully furnished home.

Employee Ebony Johnson met customer Suzanne Burke at the drive-thru window she was serving at three years ago. They chatted every time Burke came for her coffee in the mornings, and the two became friendly.

When Burke found out that her acquaintance, a mother of three, had fallen on difficult times and been evicted from her home in Mount Healthy, she made it her mission to help—reaching out to organizations that help people difficulty.

Now enjoying a fully decorated, cozy place to stay, Johnson is finally looking forward to the upcoming holidays.

MORE: They Got Married At the Dunkin’ Drive-thru Window Where Every Morning They Fell More in Love

“I’m just so thankful we’re back in our home,” Johnson said to WCPO News. “The Lord really looked out for me because I kept praying and saying, ‘Could I be at home before Christmas?’”

(WATCH the video to meet the family or read more from WCPO News…)

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  1. Yes, I am crying.
    Anything that opens the eyes & the heart will make me cry.
    What a beautiful act of kindness for a beautiful, sweet family.
    I can already feel that these children will grow up to know what it’s like to receive kindness…& they WILL pay it forward.
    Blessings to the kindness of all these giving people who are so generous & helpful. :>)
    Happy Howl-i-days!

  2. Goosebumps & tears for a blessings beyond words.
    That’s the type of rich I want to be in life to do that much good for other beyond simple donations for Habitat for Humanity, Soup Kitchens & Rescue Missions.

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