There’s an old adage that good things come to those who wait. But sometimes, it takes a shot in the dark or a leap of faith.
CTV recently shared the story of a Canadian photographer who was able to photograph Taylor Swift on her recent Eras tour—all because when she was in college she cold-called a video producer whose work she admired.
That led to an offer to come on set with the idol herself—Taylor Swift—and suddenly Jasmeet Sidhu, a photography major in college from Ontario, was in the heart of stardom on Earth.
“I was like, a long-term relationship with this music video director is better for my career than five seconds of ‘fangirling’ over Taylor Swift on this music video set,” Sidhu told NPR.
The daughter of Malaysian immigrants to Brampton, Ontario, Sidhu wanted to be a doctor when she was young. Her parents though gently encouraged her to choose the path her heart desired, and all those years later, the contacts she made that day on set got her access to the last three of Swift’s tours, 1989, Reputation, and Eras, during which she’s taken thousands of stills of the pop star.
She had some valuable advice to share with anyone starting out on a career path, which she shared with CTV.
“[W]hen people come up to me, or email me asking for advice, I try to be generous with my time because someone once upon a time was generous with their time,” she said.
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Her main advice: keep making connections, even if you aren’t guaranteed a reply.
“Every single action you take in a creative career has to be an opportunity of your own making. So how do you create those opportunities? You have to reach out to people.”
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