Watch Driver Take in Weary Stray Dog After It Wandered Onto His Bus From the Cold
As a self-professed animal lover, the bus driver could not bear to turn away this sweet stray from his vehicle.
First-Ever Test Tube Rhino Embryos Give Hope for Functionally Extinct Species
The groundbreaking research shows that there is still hope for the magnificent species that is balancing on the brink of extinction.
Employee Lets Autistic Teen Stock the Shelves; Video Goes Viral and Strangers Give Him $120K
A young man's kind gesture towards a teen with autism has prompted an outpouring of adoration and support for both of them.
Stoners on Social Media Are Mobilizing a Massive Litter Clean-Up Initiative
Hundreds of social media users have joined in on the #StonerCleanupInitiative as a means of cleaning up their own “green” spaces.
When Woman Can’t Afford Her Grocery Bill, She is Stunned When Her Favorite Rapper Picks Up the Tab
It has been a tough couple of years for this Atlanta widow – but when her troubles came to a tee, a humble musician stepped up to help her out.
Answering Trivia Questions With This App Can Pay Off Other People’s Student Loans
Now you can use your trivia talent to crowdfund other people's student loans and mortgage debt from your phone for free – and you can get paid to do it.
Read Leonardo Da Vinci’s To-Do List From 1490 and Be Inspired By His Insatiable Appetite for Everything
Most of our to-do lists consist of pretty innocuous things like “go to the grocery store” and “do the laundry” – but what would...
Walmart Cashier Steps In When Nail Salon Refuses Woman in Wheelchair
Ebony Harris was not about to let this customer with cerebral palsy leave the store without a gorgeous new manicure.
Homeless Man Becomes a Hero After Saving Woman Who Jumped From Bridge
Shane Drossard was risking his own life when he saved a suicidal woman earlier this week – but he says it was “his duty” to rescue her.
Schwarzenegger Uses Tank He Drove in Austria to Give Kids Another Motive to Stay in School
Arnold Schwarzenegger is helping childhood dreams come true by encouraging kids to stay in school with his 50-ton tank.
When the bodybuilder served in the Austrian...
Burglars Break Down the Door and – Surprise – Face Off With a Huge Pig
Police suspect that Dumplin the pig had something to do with the burgarly's outcome earlier this week.
Girl Scout Wrote Letters to Companies, Urging Them to Ditch Plastic – And They Did
Shelby O'Neil may only be 17 years old, but she is using her voice to save billions of pounds of plastic from landfills every year.
‘Gilligan’s Island Crew’ of Puppies Rescued From Uninhabited Island – Safe and Happy
The seven pups will reportedly be named after their human counterparts from the show based off of their personality.
Give Yourself a Break: New Research Says Kicking Back in a Sauna Has Surprising Health Benefits
This fascinating new literature review shows that regularly visiting a sauna has an astonishing amount of health benefits.
Despite Local Racial Tension, Good Samaritan Leaps Into Action to Rescue Cop From Smoking Car
A man is being praised for rescuing a wounded police officer in a community that often harbors mistrust towards law enforcement.
When Girl Can’t Attend Katy Perry Concert Because of Brain Surgery, the Pop Star Visits Her House Instead
Just because Katy Perry is famous doesn't mean that she can't make time to surprise a sick little girl.
This Kindness App Pairs People With Problems to Neighbors Who Have the Specific Solution
The app has already racked up roughly 65,000 users who are eager to help their neighbors.
First-of-its-Kind Clinical Trial Will Try and Cure Parkinson’s Disease Using ‘Reprogrammed’ Stem Cells
This will be the world's first clinical trial in which researchers use iPS cells to cure Parkinson's disease.
Watch 2-Year-old ‘Burrito Girl’ Bring Handmade Breakfasts to Exhausted California Firefighters
Gracie Lutz may only be 2 years old, but she is making a big difference for the firefighters currently combatting the Carr wildfire in Northern California.
Check Out the Weekly GNN Radio Stories From Our Good News Guru
Every Friday morning, you can hear another story from the Good News Guru, broadcasting LIVE on the #1 morning show in Los Angeles hosted...