A cat performed the most head-scratching stunt in Wales recently on class picture day, leaving a group of proud moms “in floods of laughter.”
10 and 7-year-olds Meghan and Chloe Roberts were all dressed up and excited to have their picture taken at Drury Primary School, but their excitement couldn’t compare with that of Ziggy, their orange and white cat who regularly visits the school.
When Ziggy the “honorary student,” felt it was his turn, the 4-year-old effortlessly jumped up on the photo chair, looked straight at the camera, got his snap, and promptly left.
“Chloe handed the letter to me and I expected it to be her photos,” Chloe’s mom Emma Roberts told local Welsh news, The Leader. “But then when I looked I was just in floods of laughter and so were the other mums standing by me.”
“I asked her what had gone on and she said he just jumped on the chair. He didn’t need any encouragement, he just got up there for a photo. The school has just accepted him and he goes there at any opportunity. He’s there every day.”
Indeed the headmaster has described the cat’s attendance record as “an excellent example for other pupils.”
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Emma has called him a “complete menace,” because when Ziggy makes it onto school grounds, there’s no removing him. He saunters around, sleeping on books, on the headmaster’s desk, and walking in and out of classrooms while they’re in session.
However the school at this point has just accepted him.
Emma shared the incident on Facebook with an opener that read “If a cat could be the village idiot, then that cat belongs to me. He is ridiculously embarrassing.”
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No doubt Ziggy will be incredibly proud of his photo, and Emma admits she bought a copy of it from Tempest Photography to place on the mantelpiece next to Chloe’s and Meghan’s.
SHARE This Adorable Cat With Perfect Attendance On Social Media…
This cat knows what he wants, how he contributes, and where he fits in! I’d be proud of this “ridiculously embarrasing” kitty! Gotta love him!
Ziggy is simply auditing classes for free. The sad look is knowing he won’t be able to graduate with a diploma!