Screenshots from video by Destiny Hampton – SWNS

A cat and a rabbit have teamed up as parents of both their litters after they gave birth days apart—and they even feed each other’s babies.

The bunny known as Amy became an inter-species nanny more than two weeks ago, after Chrissy the cat moved her kittens into the rabbit hutch.

Destiny Hampton had set up a hutch for Amy and her brood, but after checking in one day, discovered Chrissy snuggling up with her own newborns.

The discovery came as a big surprise because Hampton didn’t even know the feline was pregnant.

The photo on the left shows the moment Hampton walked in on the unlikely natal scene.

“I was a little worried at first that they might fight, or hurt each other,” said the 47-year-old woman.

The wildlife rescuer and owner of Roberson Creek Farm in Tobaccoville, North Carolina, attempted to separate the pair out of concern for the babies.

But that turned out to be a mistake. Both mothers immediately stopped feeding their young as a result of the stress.

The animals were not only getting along well, they were co-parenting their young. Chrissy was feeding the baby rabbits.

Amy is only feeding her young once a day, so Chrissy is often picking up the slack.

“They get along great,” exclaimed Hampton on social media. “They all want to be together, the babies and the mothers.”

“It’s so weird, because cats move their babies a lot (but) Chrissy… doesn’t.”

“I think maybe she knew that the rabbit mom wasn’t making enough milk and wanted to help her.

The main reason Hampton was shocked is because Chrissy “isn’t the nicest cat.”

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“Chrissy is feral. She won’t let me touch her, but she loves Amy apparently.

“The babies are all doing great, and cuddle all the time.”

MORE INTER-SPECIES: Fearless Rats Are Caring for Orphan Kittens at This Loving Cat Cafe

Watch a recent video below… Follow their progress on the Farm’s Facebook page or on TikTok.

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