Animal rescuers in Connecticut received word that a seagull was tangled in wires at the top of a power line.
The Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter in Branford went to the location of the call and, sure enough, found a seagull stuck dangerously close to the live power lines.
Shelter personnel were able to get in contact with Eversource CT, a company that works on power lines, who decided to send a repairman turned animal rescuer to the scene with a bucket truck.
“Mike was so kind with this bird and spoke so softly to him as he freed his leg,” the shelter said in a Facebook post about the incident.
The bird received medical attention at the Dan Cosgrove Animal Shelter.
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They posted a video of the seagull-bucket-powerline rescue on Facebook, proving that not all heroes ride in X-Jets or Batmobiles; some ride in bucket trucks.
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