
A line of nearly 50 homeless people patiently wait for a meal on a blighted section of Third Avenue in downtown Detroit.

“Robby Eimers is determined to feed them all. He brings a van filled with food, clothing, toiletries, water and snacks every weekend from his home in New Haven. His grandmother drives.

The young boy smiles and looks into the eyes of the homeless man with bent shoulders and worn shoes.

He carefully places a scoop of potato salad next to the grilled hot dog and beans on the man’s plate.

‘Would you like a cupcake and some chips and cookies?’ he offers, as the man nods slowly and returns the smile.”

Robbie started The Eimers Foundation to make the world a better place using the motto, Sharing is Caring.

(READ the full story, w/ photos, from the Detroit News) – Joel Arellano sent the story tip.

Send a donation / contact them below:
Robby and Emma Eimers
The Eimers Foundation
P.O. Box 46571
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046-6571

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