Dave Newman has a full-time job inside an office, but he always tries to make time to go outside to spy on the local animals.
On his journey to document the creatures, he’s created gorgeous portraits of foxes, ducklings, herons, and deer.
The 42-year-old amateur photographer started out around four years ago in his Lincolnshire, England town, and he is completely self-taught.
From Monday through Friday, he works a full-time job in the construction industry, but makes the short trip on his lunch hour from the office in the center of Sleaford to the local river to capture its beasts and birds.
“I only get 30/35 mins, so need to make the most of it.”
“If the weather plays ball, I try to get out.”
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To date, his all-time favorite animal is the kingfisher, a diving bird that launches head first into the water.

It might take longer than 50 minutes to get the perfect shot—especially the gem below, which might well be entitled ‘3 blind mice’.

Whether it’s in the wildlife hides, woodlands, local rivers, or simply driving around, Dave can be seen stalking the cute and the curious on his artistic quest.

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