My name is Lamanda and I’ll be turning 48 this year. Instead of presents, I’m asking folks to accomplish a “Pay It Forward” or “Act of Kindness” so I can get 48 deeds accomplished before my birthday on July 19th.

I started this on my Facebook page, but my circle of friends is small. So I’m reaching out to you, the folks of the Good News Network! Can you help me reach my goal? So far, we’ve accomplished 9 acts – that’s 39 to go!

There are only two rules: 1) it must be an honest and selfless act. 2) You have to come back and tell us about it! It can be as simple as shaking a cop or veteran’s hand, or you can buy a meal for someone who needs it. Whatever it is, please tell them what it’s for and who it’s for. The neat thing is, you’ll both win! You’ll feel great about what you’ve done, and the recipient will be the better for whatever you do. Thank you in advance for your upcoming acts! I look forward to us reaching my goal together!

(Let’s help her reach her goal by sharing below!)


  1. Good Deed for Lamanda – It was my husband’s 60th birthday yesterday. Over the course of 6 weeks, my grown children and I contacted many of his friends and family from different parts of his life and asked them to write a memory of my husband that was meaningful to them. Our goal was 60 years of memories. We put all the memories into envelopes and gave them to him yesterday. He was overwhelmed and so surprised. Our children live in different parts of the country, so we arranged a way for us all to be together on the computer at once so we could all share in the memory. I overheard my husband talking to friends yesterday and he said he just cried all day. It was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him. Happy Birthday Lamanda! Hope this can add to your good deed list.

  2. I have a whole bunch of good deeds for you.

    Whenever I order food, if I don’t finish, I find a homeless person to give it too.

    When I see birds or squirrels, I give them any food I might have on me. I’ve even chewed up an apple to feed to birds once bc it was all I had.

    One day, on my to work, I didn’t have a single dime to my name at the moment. I found a penny and when I picked it up, I saw a homeless person. I gave it to him and said, “Maybe this’ll be your lucky penny.”

    I smile at every single person who looks my way on the street, just in case they feel like no one notices they exist.

    Whenever I go visit someone who has kids, I always bring each kid something, even if it’s only a 50cent bag of chips.

    I’m always looking for ways to do good deeds. I’d rather spend my last dollar making sure someone has a full tummy, then spend it frivolously.

  3. Tabitha, you have lifted my heart! I have been sick for over a week and was disheartened because I wasn’t anywhere near my goal… You proved that people are still reading my post and want to pay it forward! Thank you Tabitha!

  4. Way to go! And happy birthday. You actually originally posted this on my 45th birthday, July 8! Well I had a sweet opportunity last night: my friend whose place I’m house sitting while she’s on vacation (left today) had some family members come by for a quick sleepover last night. I got to help babysit for the baby and little boy, which was amazing and really I benefited as much as anyone. But the thing that I especially liked was going into the guest apartment and making up a cozy pallet on the floor for the boy and making up the couch for the extra guest so that when the grownups got home from the Phish show, they wouldn’t have to sort out the extra bed situations. They just got to carry the children upstairs and rest. It’s a small thing, but today I’ve been aware of how much I like to do such things. It’s like putting a fresh flower in a small vase in my friend’s bathroom for when she comes home from traveling. Feels like vitamins. <3 I trust your adventure has been a success!

  5. I have to admit that I was disappointed in the result of my plea… I only made it to 32 (counting backwards), but I’m not going to stop… I’m going to keep looking for folks to accomplish and post those small acts of kindness… Maybe next year, I’ll get a placard and walk the streets a little… *grin*

    Carin – I love the small flower idea! Something so small and simple… I tried to do that recently for a dear friend of mine… I finished a small cross-stitch item that I wanted her to find in her mail after returning from a 2 week trip to Alaska… Alas, when I finished the small project, it did not turn out as well as I would have hoped, so I trashed it… I’ll start another one and make some adjustments this time, but I’m not giving up my idea of having her find it upon a return from a trip… (She takes alot of trips, so I have many opportunities…)

    Cassandra – Well happy Belated Hatch Day to you, fellow Cancer! I love the idea of combining our forces! Larger numbers means more acts!!!

  6. I was finally out and about today. Had to pick up a few groceries (ended up with a cartful as usual.) A young lady came up with one item. Now, I let her go in front of me, which I typically do in that situation. She had only bought one loaf of bread. It was $3.05 and she’d only brought $3 in with her. Three oh five for a loaf of plain white bread. GEEZE. Anyway, I gave her a nickel. I know this is not much, but it’s what she needed. And a bad storm was coming outside, so at least I saved her any more driving or an extra trip out to her car.

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