
We reported on another dog in April that jumped on her companion while she was choking, creating a Heimlich maneuver-like rescue. Turns out, this type of miracle isn’t so rare.

Within a few weeks, Rachel Hayes was doubled over gasping for breath when her worried springer spaniel hit her on the back and dislodged the strawberry pastille stuck in her throat.

She had been pushing Mollypops away, but the animal persevered.

“She came up behind me put her paws on me and bashed on my back with such force the sweet came out,” she told the Mirror.

Ms. Hayes thought she would die right there in her kitchen, and says her beloved dog now has a new name, Hero.

(READ the story in the UK Mirror)

Photo by Anne Hornyakvia CC license on Flickr – Story Tip from Sergio Belli in Italy 

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