The Cleveland Clinic in Ohio held adorable graduation for babies Kimyah and DJ on their discharge NICU – graduation of preemie twins– Kimberly Thomas / SWNS

An adorable ‘graduation’ was held for a pair of twins born at just 22 weeks who beat the odds—and finally were allowed to go home.

Babies Kimyah and DJ were given as little as a 10% chance of survival when they entered the world.

The siblings were the smallest babies some of the Ohio nurses have ever seen, as they could fit in their mother’s hands.

But, miraculously, they battled through and were released from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio after around four months in intensive care.

The staff held a ‘graduation’ for the family to celebrate the special moment—with the 11-month-old siblings given caps and gowns to mark the occasion.

“I was super excited when I found out they were able to come home,” said mom Kimberly Thomas.

Nurse Becky Stuart said it was “a huge celebration.

“During their time in the NICU, I treated them as if they were my own children. I love them and formed a bond with them that will stick with me forever.”

The 25-year-old mother from Bedford, Ohio, says she first knew something was wrong when she started leaking amniotic fluid, which protects the fetus during pregnancy. She called her doctor, who found she was already in labor, and four centimeters dilated.

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At just over five months pregnant, Kimberly was told her twins would have a slim chance of survival—around 10%.

Growing twins with mom Kimberly Thomas – Cleveland Clinic / SWNS

Once the twins were delivered, they were immediately resuscitated and intubated. Nurses say they could fit each twin in the palm of their hands—and the smallest-size diapers were still too big for them.

“These were the smallest babies I had ever seen, much less taken care of,” said nurse Sara Perrin.

Their parents was not allowed to hold her babies for the first month of their lives because their skin was too fragile to touch. But she spent every day and night with them in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) until they were discharged.

“I don’t think there was one day I didn’t spend at least a few minutes with them, just to talk to my babies,” said mom. “I pretty much lived in the NICU for four-and-a-half months.”

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While in the NICU, DJ suffered a lung collapse and Kimyah had a small bleed on her brain – but they still managed to meet their milestones despite this.

After 138 days, the twins were allowed to go home with Kimberly and father Damante Jackson. Now, almost one year on from birth, the twins are catching up to their height and weight goals.

Kimberly with DJ and Kimyah in the clinic on Valentines Day 2023 – Cleveland Clinic / SWNS

Although they remain on target with achieving their developmental milestones, it will still be a few years before they can tell if the twins will experience any developmental delay, the Cleveland Clinic said.

But Kimberly can now hold her children whenever she wants—and continue to celebrate milestones with them.

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“Kimyah and DJ are very active and love exploring,” said mom. “Thinking about everything they’ve been through, it was hard to imagine us ever getting to this point.

“It was unclear if they would be able to do anything by themselves. Now, they’re trying to do everything by themselves.

“You have to stay positive and focus on the outcome you want.

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Dr Firas Saker, a medical director at the clinic, added: “It’s amazing to see the twins thriving. It serves as a reminder to all of us here why we do what we do every day.”

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