first-aid-demonstration-gnu-chmee2.jpgIn an ideal world, everyone would have first aid training. But according to St John Ambulance, the British first aid charity, up to 150,000 people die needlessly in Britain every year; from the 29,000 killed by heart attacks to the 2,500 victims of asphyxiation. That’s why the charity has launched a campaign to remind us how to cope in common situations.

Do you believe that If an arm or leg is bleeding heavily, you should tie a tight tourniquet above the injury?

That is just one of the 10 widespread misconceptions about first aid that often stop us from doing the right thing to help save a life.

(READ the 10 myths in the Guardian)

Photo credit: chmee2, GNU license


  1. Thanks, Geri for passing this one on! Excellent, up to date, clear info – after being in health care and teaching nursing for much of my career, I have ended up in my share of emergency situations, and this type of knowledge does save lives.

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