This 91-year-old man has not only become a role model for his entire gym, but also to thousands of people on the internet.
Lloyd Black resolved to join the Anytime Fitness gym in Semmes, Alabama last year after he found himself struggling to accomplish simple household tasks. He hoped that joining a gym might strengthen some of his muscles and help with the random aches and pains in his body.
Over the course of a year, Black has been diligently working out at the gym three times a week. Despite how his outfits garner plenty of attention, he says that he prefers to wear overalls and coveralls during his workouts because they are warm, comfortable, and he has “trouble keeping his pants up” otherwise.
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When Black first joined Anytime Fitness, gym manager Ashley Seaman says he could barely last 10 minutes on the treadmill without becoming winded. Now, however, the senior can effortlessly breeze through half an hour of power-walking before moving on to his workout routine.
He also takes time to help other seniors new to the gym learn how to use the weightlifting machines.
“He’s just a friendly soul,” Seaman told TODAY. “It’s cute because he will go to the other silver sneakers—the elderly members—and he’ll show them how to use the machines.”

As a means of praising Black for his progress, Seaman recently named Black “Member of the Month”.
“Mr. Black became a part of our Anytime family 1 year ago and we have seen nothing but motivation and inspiration from him since he started,” the gym wrote on Facebook. “He says he is 91 years young and brags about how much his workout routine has helped him in his daily routines.
“Seeing someone like him inspires others to keep it up and incorporate fitness into their life,” they added. “Seeing him in the gym 3 times a week working out in his overalls brightens our day and we hope to have him many more years to come!”
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Black’s photos have now been shared thousands of times across social media, with internet users praising Black for being such a positive role model.
“He says that, even before his feet hit the floor, he will do his bicycle (exercises) in the bed and it helps them to get up and do things in the morning,” Seaman told TODAY. “[He shows] that age is just a number, it doesn’t mean you can’t get into the gym, and it’s never too late.”

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