A 7-year-old boy recently sent a letter to his local police department explaining why he thinks he would make an excellent officer – and his resumé is adorable.
Primary school student Harcharan wrote to the Sawston Police Station earlier this week listing all of the qualities he had which would make him a good crime fighters.
“Dear Cambridgeshire Constabulary,” reads the letter. “I would love to be a police officer to stop diamond heists and bank robberies. I’m good at dodging objects and I got good eye sight. I am good at jumping from high places and I got lots of stealth.
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“The job needs lots of focus and eye sight. To be a good police officer you need to check stuff. I am good at guarding places. I would be good for the job because I am good at climbing,” he finished.
The pupil from Morley Memorial Primary School in Cambridge, England wrote the letter as part of a persuasive writing exercise – and it apparently worked quite effectively.
Unfortunately for Harcharan, he has to wait ten years before he can become a member of the team since job seekers must be 18 to apply.
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However, the Policing Cambridge City’s Facebook page published a photo of the letter along with some words of encouragement for others who might hope to join the force.
“We are definitely persuaded!” wrote the police department. “If, like Harcharan, you believe that you’ve got what it takes – we are currently recruiting Special Constables.[Although] jumping from high places not strictly necessary.”
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