We don’t celebrate Earth Day by wasting paper, creating garbage, or needlessly using electricity. We do it by supporting our planet—and we make it fun, so it actually feels good.
No matter where you live or what your beliefs are, you can do something to honor and enhance the environment. Here are some ideas for celebrating Earth Day in a natural way—giving more and consuming less:
– Email or call a friend to say “Happy Earth Day!” and schedule a walk with them in any natural setting.
– Buy a packet of sunflower seeds, then give them to a child to plant.
– Turn off your lights and appliances which you are not using, for as long as you can. Every small effort counts. If it has a little LED light shining, it is using electricity.
– Bring some gloves and a bag to a roadside or shoreline and pick up some trash. You are cleaning up the planet just like you clean up your house. (And, you may find treasures. We always do.)
– Sprinkle some wildflower seeds in a place that needs a smile. Some ideas are on a bike path, athletic field, at a school, or along a public sidewalk.
– Plant something. Start with a potted tomato plant or some lettuce seeds and see how wonderful it is to grow your own food and nurture another living thing.
– Make a choice to buy organic food. After all, our choices send a powerful message.
– Stop using household chemicals. Dish soap, baking soda and white vinegar are ALL you need for an easy spring cleaning.
– Start using canvas bags when you shop. Keep some in your car.
– Vow to end chemical treatments on your lawn and plants. These can leach into our watershed and harm bees.
– Decide to organize an Earth Day party or festival next year—but, you gotta Plan-et!
We hope these tips can help you have an Earth Day to remember.
By Marilyn El-Abidin