dining alone elderly-Jeremy Stebens-CC-640px

Many of us have been there: we see a senior citizen eating alone and think, maybe I should go talk to them, or sit with them…but we’re not sure what the response will be.

Brooke Oacha of  Texas,  decided it was worth a try—and the elderly lady sitting at the “table for one” by herself (pictured below) was absolutely elated.


As it turned out, Delores was pretty lonely—she has just lost her own mother and was having a hard time living alone.

On Thursday, though, it was all smiles, and now, the women have a standing lunch date to eat together every week.Nursing Home Present Perfect-Evan Briggs Kickstarter Page

When a Preschool Opens Inside a Nursing Home All Heaven Breaks Loose


(Photo: Brooke Oacha on Facebook; (top) Jeremy Stebens, CC)

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