
Do you see that halo above our heads?

The team at Good News Network has just published an article that brings the total number of positive news stories to 18,000!

For 19 years, since the website first launched in 1997, I have worked to gather all the good news from around the globe and put it together in one place.

Thank you for your support.  Without our millions of fans like you, I could not have hired freelance writers – or kept my chin up, through troubles and trials.

We try every day to keep our advertisements non-intrusive and quiet, which is nearly impossible these days, with technology such as it is. But still, we toil to do our best.

From the days when I worked at CNN and other news outlets in Washington, DC, I have dreamed of building something that would serve good news to anyone who needed it – so important, especially now.

We love our work, and hope you appreciate it too. You can help us continue our mission by reporting bad ads to us, by submitting your own positive news, or by giving money – contributing as little as $2.00 – to become a member.


  1. That’s just wonderful, Geri! I’m always so happy to receive the alerts on my phone with good news. Our World Changers Entertainment is focused on news about ending poverty in sustainable ways. Let’s keep going!
    All the Best,
    Anita Casalina

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